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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 55/Olson Memorial Highway study


About this study

Highway 55/Olson Memorial Highway between Border Ave. and the bridge west of Thomas Ave. in Minneapolis study area map

Hwy 55/Olson Memorial Hwy study area map

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We are studying Olson Memorial Hwy between Border Ave. and the bridge west of Thomas Ave. This highway is an important route for the local community and surrounding region, including those that drive, walk, bike, roll, and use public transit.

We are conducting the study to better understand the needs of the community and explore long-term options that benefit the surrounding community and people who use the highway. The study will use technical analysis and input from the community on their transportation needs, existing experiences, and desires for the future of Olson Memorial Hwy.

Summary of work

  • Gather community input on their transportation needs and desires for the future of Olson Memorial Hwy
  • Summarize the issues and problems within the study area through a Purpose and Need Statement
  • Explore short and long-term improvements
  • Evaluate ideas through technical analysis and community input
  • Identify design alternatives
  • Describe the next steps to advance future construction