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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Freight maps, data, and tools

Minnesota freight maps

Contact: Cam Zhen, Research Analyst/GIS Coordinator

Data and tools

Rail Crossing Information Database

Contact: Amy Johnson

MnDOT has developed a new rail crossing database called Blackcat Rail. This database enables MnDOT to maintain an accurate, timely and consistent rail crossing and infrastructure inventory as well as maintain project, financial, and crash information.

Freight Facilities Database

Contact: Andrew Andrusko

The database includes freight-generating facilities in Minnesota, categorized by business type, commodity, and/or location. Maps and attribute tables can be generated to support integrated, multimodal transportation planning.

Freight networks

Minnesota Freight Networks Information

Contact: Andrew Andrusko

MnDOT plans, manages and coordinates freight networks on behalf of the state of Minnesota. A short guidebook explaining each of the networks and systems is available below. The MnDOT Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations works to develop connected freight, railroad and waterway network systems to integrate into future transportation planning.

MnDOT has developed a comprehensive freight networks guide that contains details about each type of freight network. Find more information in the Minnesota Freights Guide (PDF).

Several critical corridors on the roadway network in Minnesota were selected for funding under the Minnesota Highway Freight Program (MHFP). See each of the projects in the MHFP on the ArcGIS Online Map.

Additional resources maintained by USDOT