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Minnesota Freight Advisory Committee

MFAC strategic plan


To advise MnDOT and other public agencies and officials on the current and future condition of Minnesota’s multimodal freight transportation system; and, to recommend freight policies, programs, and investments that support the state’s economic competitiveness and enhance safety.


Strategies and tactics

Review SFP to discuss updates and changes needed.

  • Intentionally review the action agenda elements at least annually and offer recommendations for revisions or updates.
  • Explore how to incorporate resilience into the SFP to reflect the need to adapt to changing or unexpected circumstances.

Monitor the implementation of the SFP

  • Develop a mechanism for MnDOT to report on progress to MFAC at least annually.
  • Contribute to development of statewide freight performance measures and recommend added measures if needed.

Strategies and tactics

Communicate industry input and recommendations on future freight investments in Minnesota.

  • Conduct surveys of key freight transportation-dependent industries and freight transportation providers to identify future investment priority needs.
  • Supply MFAC information and feedback on MnDOT budget and bonding requests to the legislature.

Provide a forum for developing strategies and solutions that address freight industry trends, issues, and needs.

  • Plan quarterly meetings that focus on timely and emerging issues of interest to the freight industry and provide opportunities for members to bring issues forward.
  • Provide rapid response to emerging challenges that impact freight interests.
  • Identify research initiatives and projects that advance the state of knowledge on freight-related topics.
  • Direct the preparation and dissemination of “white papers” on freight transportation issues important to Minnesota’s economy based on need and available resources.
  • Contribute to policy discussions pertaining to new technologies and their deployment/implementation in Minnesota.

Educate the public, elected officials, and other public agencies and organizations on the needs of freight transportation and the value of investment in transportation infrastructure.

  • Create and distribute an annual report for the MnDOT Commissioner that includes a “state of freight,” an overview of trends and important issues, and reports on the activities of the Freight Advisory Committee from the past year.
  • Publish the MFAC electronic newsletter twice a month to share MFAC news, freight-related articles, and upcoming event information.
  • Plan and deliver outreach forums in Greater Minnesota.

Promote collaboration among states to address freight challenges and opportunities on a regional level.

  • Request MnDOT updates on freight-related engagement activities with other states.
  • Connect with other state freight advisory committees to discuss common areas of interest. 

Strategies and tactics

Create opportunities for members to provide input on MFAC areas of focus and to play an active role in MFAC initiatives.

  • Conduct an annual member survey to solicit feedback and communicate results back to members.
  • Use feedback to help frame MFAC activities and initiatives.
  • Create an annual work plan for the committee.
  • Establish work groups as needed to focus on specific topics.

Follow a transparent and consistent process for membership recruitment and rotation.

  • Draft membership recruitment and rotation processes for approval by MFAC Executive Committee.
  • Create expectations for active member involvement and communicate them to current and prospective members.
  • Seek suggestions and input on potential new members from current MFAC members.
  • Follow federal guidance on membership categories.  

Establish a transparent succession planning process for MFAC Executive Committee recruitment and rotation.

  • Conduct outreach with full MFAC membership about potential, future MFAC EC members as well as the chair and vice chair positions.