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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Metropolitan Planning Organizations

General resources for MPOs

Memoranda of understanding

Each MPO enters into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to document an agreement to carry out a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3C) metropolitan transportation planning and programming process. 3C MOUs are between the MPO; department(s) of transportation of the state or states the MPO is located in; and public transportation operator(s) within the planning area. The 3C MOUs include the following:

  • Committee coordination
  • District-level planning
  • Long-range planning
  • Metropolitan transportation planning
  • Performance management
  • Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs
  • Transportation Improvement Program
  • Unified Planning Work Program

Current 3C MOUs


The 3C process is defined and required by the U.S. Department of Transportation regulations 23 CFR 450; 23 USC 134 and 135, 49 USC 5303 and 5304, and 49 CFR 613.

Directors meetings

MPO directors meet four times a year — February, May, August and November — to discuss MPO and state transportation planning and programming work.

Agendas and materials

MPO summer workshop

Staff from the MPOs, state departments of transportation, federal division offices and more meet once a year for a summer workshop. The workshop’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for the MPOs to learn from one another and dive deeper into topics specific to MPO planning work. Previous years’ topics have included demographics, Census data, travel demand modelling and corridor planning. MPOs rotate hosting the summer workshop.

Previous workshops