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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Advancing Transportation Equity Initiative

Advancing Transportation Equity Initiative

Our commitment to transportation equity

We are committed to creating an equitable transportation system.

Acknowledgment of past harms

MnDOT acknowledges the transportation system and agency decisions have underserved, excluded, harmed, and overburdened some communities. We understand some of our past decisions denied Black and Indigenous communities as well as people with disabilities the full participation of transportation benefits. These and other underserved communities have historically carried disproportionate burdens of transportation decisions.

How we define transportation equity

Transportation equity means the benefits and burdens of transportation systems, services and spending are fair and just, which historically has not been the case. Transportation equity requires ensuring underserved communities, especially Black, Indigenous and People of Color, share in the power of decision making. 

Our journey

The journey of transforming our transportation systems, services and decision-making processes will require ongoing listening, learning, changing, implementing and adapting.

Our individual roles to advance transportation equity

Everyone in our agency regardless of position or work assignment has a role to advance transportation equity. We will partner with community members, community-based organizations, transportation service providers, Tribal Nations and government institutions to evolve our work and to change outcomes for our communities.