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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Respectful Workplace Complaint and Resolution Procedures

For Respectful Workplace Policy #WF028

Effective Date: June 27, 2024

Print Procedures (pdf)


This document is the technical companion to the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s (MnDOT’s) Respectful Workplace Policy and supplements the General Standards and Expectations outlined in the enterprise Respectful Workplace Policy.



As with all allegations of misconduct, informal resolution and formal investigatory processes related to the Respectful Workplace Policy will be conducted in an efficient, fair, and objective manner.

Individuals are encouraged to informally resolve concerns whenever possible.

Informal Resolution

Any employee may choose to explore options with Human Resources and/or the Office of Equity and Diversity to address concerns.

  • The employee is encouraged to speak with their supervisor, Human Resources, union representative, or Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for assistance or guidance on how to resolve the situation.
  • The employee subjected to inappropriate behavior may have a conversation with the other individual(s) involved if it does not pose a risk to the well-being of the employee.
  • If a direct approach is not possible or does not resolve the concern, employees are encouraged to meet with their supervisor or manager to discuss next steps.
  • If the concern is about a supervisor or manager, employees may contact Human Resources, union representative or EAP to discuss options for resolution.


  • The Office of Equity and Diversity provides Alternative Dispute Resolution including mediation and facilitated conversations.
  • MnDOT and involved parties, by mutual agreement, may seek mediation. Human Resources will assist with coordinating this through the Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS) or another qualified vendor.

Formal Complaints

Any employee or third party may choose to initiate a formal complaint. Complaints may be submitted verbally or in writing to a supervisor or manager, HR, or OED. As with all investigations alleging employee misconduct, investigations will occur in a timely, fair, and objective manner. This process does not supersede any applicable grievance or dispute resolution process under a collective bargaining agreement or plan.

  • Complaints must include the details of the situation and the identity of the person or persons against whom the complaint is being made.
  • A person against whom a formal complaint is made may be informed of the complaint.
  • The person receiving a complaint must acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing.
  • A prompt review of the complaint will be conducted and addressed.

Disrespectful, Threatening, or Aggressive Behavior from the Public

When employees encounter disrespectful, threatening, or aggressive behavior from the public, they may take any of the following actions:

  • attempt to deescalate the situation;
  • discontinue the conversation;
  • elevate the situation to their supervisor; and/or
  • elevate the situation to law enforcement or Capitol Security if an immediate safety or security threat is present.

In all cases, employees must notify their supervisor as soon as possible about disrespectful, threatening, or aggressive behavior from the public.

When threatening or aggressive behavior occurs, the supervisor or employee must complete a Violent Incident Reporting Form as soon as possible after the incident.