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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

MnDOT Policies

Approved/Qualified Products

MnDOT Policy #OE005
Revised: April 21, 2022
Reviewed: April 24, 2024

View/print signed policy (PDF)

Please go to the MnDOT Org Chart to find specific contact information: Org Chart.

Responsible Senior Officer: Deputy Commissioner/Chief Engineer
Policy Owner: Director, Office of Materials and Road Research
Policy Contact: Materials Engineer, Office of Materials and Road Research

Policy statement

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) publishes Approved/Qualified Product Lists (APL/QPL) that apply to materials, products, and engineered systems approved or qualified for use on property owned by MnDOT and construction and maintenance projects. Materials, products, and engineered systems must meet all standards and requirements, including engineering and environmental evaluations, before being added to the lists.

The evaluation process for approval is specific to each APL/QPL category and must be developed based on the APL Master Template. Standards and requirements, applications, and contact information are available on the Approved/Qualified Product Lists website under each APL/QPL category. MnDOT will not evaluate materials, products, or engineered systems that do not meet the standards and requirements listed for the APL/QPL category and may reject submittals without further review if it determines that the standards and requirements have not been met.

Manufacturers of materials, products, and engineered systems that do not meet the criteria for inclusion on the Approved/Qualified Product Lists may not submit a material, product, or engineered system for re-evaluation until the manufacturer has made material changes to the material, product, or engineered system or to the manufacturing methods to resolve the identified shortcomings. The applicant must discuss the changes with the MnDOT contact person before resubmitting. MnDOT will, in its sole discretion, determine whether the changes are material.

Manufacturers of materials, products, or engineered systems placed on an Approved/Qualified Products List must immediately notify the MnDOT contact person if any of the following apply:

  • The product manufacturer has made a material change or a material source change to the product that may affect its performance or environmental impact, including changes to materials, chemicals, or manufacturing processes.
  • The product has become the subject of legal action under a “False Claims Act” of the United States or any state.
  • The supplier determines that material information was not disclosed to MnDOT during the evaluation process.

MnDOT may, in its sole discretion, remove a material, product, or engineered system from the Approved/Qualified Product Lists and/or determine that a material, product, or engineered system must be re-evaluated.

Inclusion on the Approved/Qualified Product Lists does not constitute an “endorsement” and does not guarantee that MnDOT, or a MnDOT contractor, will purchase or use the material, product, or engineered system.

Reason for policy

MnDOT must comply with regulatory requirements found in applicable laws, rules, and regulations including:

  • 23 CFR §637.207 (the Quality Assurance Program); and
  • MnDOT’s stewardship agreement with FHWA which requires MnDOT to perform an engineering and environmental evaluation on materials, products, and engineered systems before adding them to the Approved/Qualified Product Lists.

This policy:

  • Establishes the evaluation process and the use of Approved/Qualified Product Lists for materials, products, and engineered systems that may be used on MnDOT properties and construction and maintenance projects.
  • Ensures the quality of materials, products, and engineered systems for construction and maintenance work.
  • Reduces legal liability and ensures environmental due diligence by requiring examination of the environmental performance of a product or waste material for potential environmental impact and liability associated with its use on MnDOT property and construction and maintenance projects.
  • Assigns responsibilities and streamlines the APL/QPL process.

MnDOT has determined that using Approved/Qualified Product Lists is the most effective way to ensure that materials, products, and engineered systems meet technical and environmental requirements. Use of the process and lists assist MnDOT with the following:

  • Preparation of procurement specifications when a material, product, or engineered system is on a list;
  • Use of traditional material or performance specifications when a material, product or engineered system is not on a developed list; and
  • New material, product, or engineered system development or procurement.


All MnDOT employees and third parties working on MnDOT projects must comply with this policy.

Key stakeholders with responsibilities under this policy include:

  • Office of Materials and Road Research
  • Approved Products List (APL) Committee
  • APL/QPL Review Coordinator
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Office of Environmental Stewardship


(APL/QPL) Applicant

A manufacturer who submits a completed application to be included on MnDOT’s Approved or Qualified Product List.

Approved Product

A material, product, or engineered system that meets all applicable standards and specifications for use on property owned by MnDOT and construction and maintenance projects.

Engineered System

A complex collection of many components or materials for field assembly in accordance with specific procedures, and designed, detailed, and assembled to function together to form a specific function. The components may include different manufactured materials, fabricated units, engineering design details, connection, construction procedures, and other components.

Environmental Performance

A qualitative measure of the potential environmental liability associated with use of a product or re-use of a waste material.


The raw substance from which a thing is or can be made.

Provisional Status

Designation for materials, products, engineered systems, services, or sources after passing initial tests or review, but prior to the successful field-testing that is required by MnDOT for “approved” or “qualified” status.

Quality Assurance Program

A required evaluation process for ensuring the adequacy of materials and workmanship on all Federal-aid highway construction projects.

Qualified Product

A material, product, or engineered system that meets all applicable MnDOT standards and specifications but requires further testing or review before it may be used on property owned by MnDOT or a construction or maintenance project.

Subject Matter Expert

A MnDOT employee with a deep knowledge or understanding of a particular material, product, or engineered system.


Approved Products List (APL) Committee

  • Provide guidance on the APL/QPL process.

APL/QPL Review Coordinator

  • Serve as primary contact and maintain the assigned Approved/Qualified Product List(s).
  • Manage the certification, decertification, and recertification process for the assigned materials, products, or engineered systems.
  • Collaborate with subject matter expert(s) to create and document the requirements for approval/qualification of materials, products, or engineered systems based on the APL Master Template.
  • Identify subject matter expert(s) to complete the engineering evaluation.
  • Review the application and documents for completeness.
  • Ensure engineering and environmental evaluations are completed.
  • Provide pertinent information to the Office of Environmental Stewardship for environmental evaluation as required by the Hazard Evaluation Process Policy.
  • Serve as a member of the APL Committee.

Subject Matter Experts

  • Determine which materials, products, or engineered systems require an Approved/Qualified Product List.
  • Evaluate the material, product, or engineered system for compliance with relevant MnDOT standards and requirements.
  • Report findings on the expected engineering performance of the material, product, or engineered system to the APL/QPL Review Coordinator.
  • Approve or reject applications for materials, products, or engineered systems.

Office of Environmental Stewardship

  • Determine which materials, products, or engineered systems require an environmental evaluation.
  • Evaluate the information provided in the submittal and report findings on the expected environmental impact to the APL/QPL Coordinator (see the Hazard Evaluation Process Policy).


  • Be aware of this policy.
  • Select materials, products, or engineered systems from the Approved/Qualified Products Lists whenever possible.

Policy Owner (Director, Office of Materials and Road Research)

  • Review the policy every two years, or sooner as necessary, to ensure the policy remains up to date.
  • Ensure procedures, templates, forms, and other documents associated with the policy remain current.
  • Monitor state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements that apply to the policy or procedures.
  • Consult with the Office of Chief Counsel to ensure the policy and procedures remain compliant with all state, federal, enterprise, agency, or other requirements.
  • Ensure that necessary approvals by state or federal agencies are obtained before changes to the policy or procedures are implemented.
  • Work with the Policy Coordinator to revise the policy and/or confirm its accuracy.
  • Communicate policy revisions, reviews, and retirements to stakeholders.


History and updates


June 18, 2015


  • First Revision: April 21, 2022 (also renumbered as #OE005)

Policy Review

  • April 24, 2024 - Updated links and added 3 policy owner responsibilities to match revised policy template.

This policy's next scheduled review is due April 2026.