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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Minnesota Scenic Byways

Partnerships and funding

Grassroots organizations nominate Scenic Byways and engage in planning, conservation, preservation and marketing activities to ensure a quality byway experience for visitors and residents. Four state agencies, including the Minnesota Department of Transportation, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the Minnesota Historical Society and Explore Minnesota Tourism, partner with these grassroots organizations and with local governments on byway projects.

Minnesota Scenic Byway federal funding is available through MnDOT's Area Transportation Partnership. An ATP is a group of traditional and non-traditional transportation partners including representatives from MnDOT, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Development Commissions, counties, cities, tribal governments, special interests, and the public that have the responsibility of developing a regional transportation improvement program for their area of the state. The ATP solicits federal funding for eligible projects such as scenic byways, as well as state bike and pedestrian and Safe Routes to School programs.