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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Sustainability and Public Health

What sustainability means to MnDOT

Sustainability can be defined as the intersection of economy, environment and society. This aligns with the MnDOT Vision of a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the environment and our economy. MnDOT's originating statute and the Next Generation Energy Act also set sustainability goals that guide our work.

OSPH 2025-2030 Strategic plan

The Office of Sustainability & Public Health (OSPH) has developed a comprehensive strategic plan for 2025-2030 that aligns with MnDOT’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan (SMTP) 2022, and the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MNSHIP), as well as broader state and federal transportation policies.

Councils and work groups

Find information about the Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council, the Clean Transportation Fuel Standard Work Group, and the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Mitigation Working Group.

Electric vehicle planning

Find out more about our plan for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Program funds.

Infrastructure Carbon Estimator (ICE) greenhouse gas analysis tool

Use our tool to estimate emissions from construction projects.

Office Hours

Join us virtually for a series of Office Hour sessions where there will be a brief 10-minute overview of the Minnesota Greenhouse Gas Reduction Legislation and then time for attendees to ask questions about the legislation and what MnDOT is doing in response to their legislative directive to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets regionally to meet the state greenhouse gas reduction goals.

Our five focus areas

Reducing carbon pollution from transportation

Electric Vehicles, cleaner fuels, and the Sustainable Transportation Advisory Council

Leading by example by making operations more efficient

Our efforts to improve efficiency in our operations and achieve sustainability targets

Transportation and public health

Complete Streets, Equity and Health Assessment

Transportation system resilience

Resilience research, bridge and culvert vulnerability, and federal resilience programs

Strategic partnerships

Next Gen Highways, Alternative Uses of Right of Way, and Artist in Residence