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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Sustainability and Public Health


Climate and resilience research

Upcoming research

  • Pooled Fund 1507 Flood-frequency analysis in the Midwest: Addressing potential nonstationary annual peak-flow records
    The overall goal of this study by USGS is to evaluate the combined effects of multi-decadal climatic persistence (including hydroclimatic shifts), gradual climate change, and land-use change on peak-flow frequency analyses in the multi-state region in the Midwest.

  • MnDOT Research: Climate Change Adaptation of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure
    The study will model capacities required for the infrastructure to convey peak flows from projected mid-21st century climate-changed precipitation and population growth, and the potential for green stormwater infrastructure methods to provide more economical and effective management of peak flows than drainage system upsizing.

  • NCHRP 15-61A Applying Climate Change Information to Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Transportation Infrastructure

  • NCHRP 20-44(23) Pilot Test of Climate Change Design Practices Guide for Hydrology and Hydraulics
    Test the guide produced in NCHRP 15-61 to get direct feedback from the practitioners that would use the guide to identify gaps and needs for improvement. Results will be used in NCHRP 15-61A.

  • Are Warming Winters in Minnesota Changing Freeze Thaw Cycles?
    This project will analyze how freeze/thaw cycles have changed in MN historically, how air, surface, and sub-surface freeze/thaw cycles are correlated, and how they may be impacted by climate change.

Current research

  • Assessing Culverts in Minnesota: Fish Passage and Storm Vulnerability
    Investigates the parameters of culvert design through a modeling study that integrates fish swimming ability for Minnesota fish species with current and future hydrologic scenarios.

  • Peer Exchanges
    DOT peer exchanges that help advance resiliency efforts include the Urban Stormwater Management peer exchange and the Resilient Corridor Assessment peer exchange.

Completed research

  • MnDOT Extreme Flood Vulnerability Analysis
    The Extreme Flood Vulnerability Analysis project developed a methodology to characterize the vulnerability of MnDOT bridges, large culverts, and pipes to flooding. This effort built upon the Flash Flood Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Pilot Project. This project also explored how the outputs of the analysis can be used in enhancing agency resilience, such as incorporating into the state’s asset management systems.

  • Slope Vulnerability
    MnDOT analyzed slope vulnerability throughout the state and has developed a Slope Stabilization Guide for Minnesota Local Government Engineers.

  • NCHRP 15-61 Applying Climate Change Information to Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design of Transportation Infrastructure
    The objective of this research was to develop a design guide of national scope to provide hydraulic engineers with the tools needed to amend practice to account for climate change.

  • MnDOT Flash Flood Vulnerability and Adaption Assessment Pilot Project (2014)
    This project, supported by FHWA, coordinated vulnerability assessments to measure the sensitivity of Minnesota’s trunk highway systems from flash flood events in District 1 and District 6. The project included a systems-level vulnerability assessment in each district and focused analysis of adaptions options at specific high-risk facilities identified in the system-level assessment. A benefit-cost calculation will be included in the analysis of adaption options.