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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Transportation Worker Memorial

worker memorial image

Names on the memorial

William Armstrong Sr., died when he fell 25 feet from the prestressed girders on the Cedar Avenue bridge June 22, 1979.

John Biever lost his life when struck by a truck while working on a bridge near Houston Sept. 13, 1962.

Darrell Blackwell died while performing tractor mowing operations on Highway 4 south of Fairfax Oct. 5, 2006.

Grayston Cain lost his life when struck by a truck while he was performing inspection duties on Aug. 28, 1980.

Roy W. Carls died on his way home from a meeting Jan. 30, 1968, when his vehicle left the road and hit a bridge abutment.

Craig D. Carlson lost his life while working in the right of way of 35W when a car lost control and hit him Oct. 13, 2011.

George Culver lost his life on Highway 52 near Rochester where he was crushed by a backing truck June 30, 1992.

Lawrence J. Eller was struck by a form that fell from a crane while he was working near Henderson Aug. 17, 1987.

Leslie R. Frederickson was killed Oct. 14, 1975 when his state pickup rolled over approximately three times into a ditch.

Merlin F. Fugleberg suffered a heart attack while shoveling snow in connection with survey work on Jan. 30, 1968.

Joseph Arnold Gray died on his 39th birthday when he was backed over by a truck in Duluth Oct. 21, 1966.

Michael “Mike” Gerard Gau was hit by a dump truck during bituminous paving operations for the Rockford Road/Hwy 169 Plymouth project on August 30, 2023.

Dale Hammon died while working on a road sign that was hit by a power pole after being struck by a vehicle Dec. 4, 1970.

Vern Hedquist was struck by a motor vehicle on TH94 near Rogers, MN on October 2, 2018.

Earl D. Held died while working on a survey crew on Highway 65. Three of the four men were struck by an automobile on Oct. 20, 1964.

Jerry A. Holter was struck and run over by a truck while performing inspection duties on Oct. 16, 1973.

Roy Johnson lost his life when crushed while operating a compaction roller on Aug. 17, 1979.

Greg Jolstad was killed when the I-35W bridge collapsed on Aug. 1, 2007.

Todd C. Jorgenson lost his life when he was hit by a car on the 35E construction project on Oct. 10, 1984.

Brian J. Kirk was killed when he was hit by a motor vehicle on Highway 101 near Elk River on Aug. 11, 1992.

Dean Koehnle lost his life when struck by a truck while he was performing maintenance duties on Oct. 3, 1979.

Leo A. Kuisle died as he was attempting to stop traffic on Highway 212 and was struck by a passenger vehicle on May 15, 2008.

Kevin Laban fell from a bridge scaffolding into the water and drowned May 21, 1994.

Alan Larson lost his life when struck by a motor vehicle while he was assisting a motorist on April 5, 1979.

Joseph Longen was struck by a truck while working on the job site on Aug. 24, 1978.

Jerry W. Magill was involved in a two-vehicle automobile accident while driving a state pickup on Sept. 3, 1969.

Toivo Maki lost his life when he was struck by a motor vehicle after assisting a stranded motorist Jan. 12, 1968.

Eugene Mitchell died working for MnDOT while in District 6 on April 23, 1964.

Duane Nelson died in an automobile accident while on the way to a transportation department meeting Jan. 28, 1992.

Gregory Nelson was run over by a semi-truck while working for MnDOT April 3, 1975.

Emmert Ott fell over a cliff Sept. 12, 1968 and died Nov. 24, 1968 as a result of injuries suffered.

Ronald J. Rajkowski was killed when a car traveling on 35W lost control, striking him while he was working on Oct. 13, 2011.

Melvin Rehbein lost his life operating a street sweeper when a truck hit on Sept. 27, 1960.

Felix Renn lost his life when he was struck by a motor vehicle on May 12, 1976.

Richard Robles was struck by a semi-truck while operating a mower on the shoulder on June 5, 1978. He died June 8, 1978.

George Webb Sampson died as a result of being caught in a sander at the Fort Snelling Truck Station on Jan. 16, 1969.

Thomas Schmit fell from a falsework deck suspended under a bridge and drowned in the Mississippi River on Oct. 21, 1994.

Vernon Schmitz was driving a state truck when it left the road, hit a field approach and rolled over on July 16, 1975.

Clarence Schloessler was killed when he became entangled in equipment while delivering materials near Staples on Oct. 17, 2003.

Eugene Schlotfeldt was with Kenneth Sellon when a truck struck them on I-94 near West Union on Nov. 14, 1968.

Mark Schrader lost his life when hit by a motor vehicle while he was surveying on Dec. 30, 1986.

Leslie Schroeder died when struck by an automobile while working on the survey crew at Highways 70 and 107 on Jan. 22, 1965.

Roy H. Sellin was killed in a truck rollover traffic accident near Bagley on June 11, 1960.

Kenneth Sellon was with Eugene Schlotfeldt when a truck struck them on I-94 near West Union on Nov. 14, 1968.

John Skartsen lost his life when he was backed over by a truck on the I-394 construction project on July 24, 1990.

Terry M. Sones fell from an elevated basket while working over traffic on I-94. The basket was struck by a truck on April 2, 1999.

Edward J. Stary Jr., died as a result of a motor vehicle crash on June 10, 2004.

Michael Struck drowned when his backhoe fell into the floodwaters of the Minnesota River near St. Peter on March 22, 2011.

Robert Thomason was involved in an automobile accident on Highway 21 near Jordan on Dec. 7, 1967.

Albert Vasquez was struck by a car while he was crossing the Cedar Avenue Bridge over the Minnesota River on June 28, 1989.

Glenda Young died on Jan. 31, 1997 due to complications when her hand was caught in the gears of a crane Dec. 9, 1996.

Thomas Zeller died near Detroit Lakes when a train collided with his truck on July 20, 1998.