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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Software applications

Developed by or for MnDOT

Software Logo


MnPAVE LogoMnPAVE Flexible

MnDOT Flexible Pavement Design: Mechanistic-Empirical Method

MnPAVE is a computer program that combines known empirical relationships with a representation of the physics and mechanics behind flexible pavement behavior. The mechanistic portions of the program rely on finding the tensile strain at the bottom of the asphalt layer, the compressive strain at the top of the subgrade, and the maximum principal stress in the middle of the aggregate base layer.

PaveCool LogoPaveCool

Asphalt Pavement Cooling Tool

PaveCool was developed to assist contractors, inspectors and engineers to make rapid decisions regarding cool-weather paving. The user enters the time of day, the date and the latitude of the paving job. Next, the type of mixture is entered along with the type of surface being paved.

Subgrade Atlas LogoOther pavment design applications