Project Title: Community Driven CAV
Project Description: The Community Driven CAV project piloted a process to start with the community to identify transportation challenges and then work together to identify potential CAV solutions to those challenges. This work resulted in potential demonstration concepts for the Creative Enterprise Zone and a Community-Driven Planning Framework, which can be used by others looking to do community led planning.
Project Completion Date: June 2024
Project web page link
Project Title: Fiber Optic Feasibility and Partnership Study
Project Description: The Fiber Optic Feasibility and Partnership Study aimed to develop a strategic plan for future fiber connectivity by utilizing public-private partnerships.
Project Completion Date: February 2022
Project web page link
Project Title: Drive MN
Project Description: Automated vehicles (AVs) rely heavily on roadway infrastructure to function. This project used technology-equipped research vehicles to drive over 1,000 miles of Minnesota roadways to gain a better understanding of potential infrastructure issues that would inhibit the operations of AVs.
Project Completion Date: January 2023
Project web page link