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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


Transportation careers

Freeway leading into Minneapolis with skyline in background

Heavy Equipment positions diagnose, repair and maintain all types of equipment. Employees also operate equipment and must have a commercial driver’s license. MnDOT may assists new hires in getting their CDL during the first six months of employment.

Heavy equipment repair jobs

  • Heavy Equipment Field Mechanic
  • Heavy Equipment Mechanic
  • Heavy Equipment Service Attendant

Find heavy equipment repair job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Manufacturing/Equip Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Manufacturing/Equip Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

The Highway Helper series is important for keeping the freeway safe and clean. Drivers provide help to stranded motorists by clear incidents on the freeway system in a timely and safe manner.

Highway Helper series jobs

  • Highway Helper
  • Highway Helper Senior
  • Highway Helper Supervisor

Find Highway Helper series job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Manufacturing/Equip Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Manufacturing/Equip Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

Pilots command flights of state passenger planes and may serve as co-pilot.  Chief Pilots direct the use of departmental passenger planes and of alternative air transportation. Responsibility extends to scheduling proper plane maintenance, setting pilot skill levels, and establishing plane operational standards.

Pilot jobs

  • Pilot
  • Chief Pilot

Find pilot job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

Traffic Management Systems Integrators configure and install devices used in Traffic Management such as Closed Circuit TV, vehicle detection, communications equipment and electronic signs and also performs construction inspections. 

Traffic management systems integration jobs

  • Traffic Management Systems Integrator
  • Traffic Management Systems Integrator Specialist
  • Traffic Management Systems Integrator Specialist Senior

Find traffic management systems integration job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

The Transportation Specialist series is important for providing Bridge Inspection, Bridge Maintenance, Contract Administration, Design, Fracture Critical Bridge Inspection, Hydraulics / Water Resources, Materials, Permits, Planning, Pre-Design, Right of Way, Road Surface / Road Side Maintenance, Sign Maintenance, Snow and Ice Control, Soils, Surveys or Traffic Engineering services.

Learn more about the transportation specialist series.

Jobs in the Transportation Specialist series

  • Transportation Associate
  • Transportation Generalist
  • Transportation Generalist Senior
  • Transportation Specialist

Find Transportation Specialist series job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities. Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

Transportation Program Specialists develop, coordinate, analyze and maintain transportation related programs.

Jobs in the Transportation Program Specialist series

  • Transportation Program Specialist 1
  • Transportation Program Specialist 2
  • Transportation Program Specialist 3
  • Transportation Program Specialist 4
  • Transportation Program Specialist – Hazardous Materials

Find Transportation Program Specialist series job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

Leadworkers, Supervisors and Managers oversee state employees in the Transportation career series. Transportation Operations Supervisors supervise road repair, pavement markings or repair of heavy equipment. Transportation Program Supervisors supervise traffic measurement, engineering applications, contract compliance, etc. Transportation Program Team Leaders coordinate work groups who analyze and maintain transportation programs. Staff are often promoted from within the series.

Leadworker, supervisory and managerial jobs

  • Transportation Operations Supervisor 1
  • Transportation Operations Supervisor 2
  • Transportation Operations Supervisor 3
  • Transportation Operations Supervisor 4
  • Transportation Program Supervisor
  • Transportation Program Supervisor Senior
  • Transportation Program Team Leader
  • Transportation Operations Manager

Find leadworker, supervisory and managerial job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!

Transportation Communications Operators serve as a central point of contact for MnDOT’s 24/7 communication operation that includes base station radios, telephones and other electronic communications. Employees watch and respond by dispatching proper personnel and taking appropriate action when alerted.

Other jobs

  • Transportation Communications Operator

Other job openings

  1. Go to
  2. Click “External Applicants”
  3. Under “Agency”, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Department”
  4. Under Job Family, on the left side of the page, click “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” (if available).
  5. If “Transportation Op/Reg Careers” is not an option, use the keyword search to find other opportunities.  Keep checking back, our positions change daily!