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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Commercial Vehicle Operations

Initial Motor Carrier Contact (IMCC) education

To be able to provide for-hire transportation services in Minnesota, you must complete the Initial Motor Carrier Contact (IMCC) education requirement within 90 days of being issued a certificate of authority. This education fulfills the requirement for motor carriers in Minnesota statute.

If you do not complete this education requirement within 90 days, our office will cancel your certificate of authority.

The IMCC education includes a general overview of safety regulations that apply to you as well as other relevant safety information as required in Minnesota statute.


  1. Review the required material in the Minnesota Commercial Truck and Regulations book outlined in the letter you received along with your certificate
  2. Complete the self-certification form and send it to us by email, fax or by mail

Email and fax
Fax: 651-366-3718


Minnesota Department of Transportation
Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations
395 John Ireland Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55155-1800