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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 11 Corridor Assessment

Greenbush to Roosevelt, Roseau County

study area map


Area 4: West of Roseau

Limits: Highway 11 from 330th Avenue to 350th Avenue
Primary Improvement: Address existing access control issues on this section of Hwy 11
Number of Alternatives: 2
Problem Alternative is Addressing: High concentration of access onto Hwy 11, safety issues at intersection with 340th Avenue.

Option A: Frontage road between 330th and 350th Avenues

Description: Construct frontage road north of Hwy 11 between 330th and 350th Avenues, with access between 330th and 340th Avenues and at the auto repair/salvage business
Access Modifications:
- Realign driveway access south of Hwy 11
- Close 11 driveways and two field entrance
Estimated Construction Costs: $1,500,000-$2,000,000
Right of Way Needs: Right of way from five parcels.
Environmental Concerns: Possible contamination near the auto repair/salvage business (not documented in Minnesota Pollution Control records).
Risks: Cost of right of way acquisition and possible contamination.
Benefits: Safety and mobility improvements:
- Consolidate access onto Hwy 11
- Bypass lane will reduce conflicts between through and turning vehicles, particularly trucks

Option B: Realign intersections so Hwy 308 is route to border and convert Hwy 11 to a three-lane section

- Expand Hwy 11 to three lane
- Eastbound and westbound left and right turn lanes at 340th Avenue
Access Modifications:
- Close three field entrances
- Realign and consolidate driveways
Estimated Construction Costs: $1,100,000-$1,300,000
Right of Way Needs: Limited amount of right of way for some driveway altering on one parcel.
Environmental Concerns: Possible contamination near the auto repair/salvage business (not documented in Minnesota Pollution Control records).
Risks: Possible contamination near the auto repair/salvage business. Higher-speed three-lane section.
Benefits: Safety and mobility improvements:
- Consolidate access onto Hwy 11
- Three-lane roadway and turn lanes will reduce conflicts between turning and through vehicles, particularly trucks

Concept layouts

Area 4, Option A
Area 4, Option B

Area 5: City of Roseau

Limits: Cty Rd 120/18th Ave/380th Ave to Highway 89
Primary Improvement:Consolidate access and construct frontage roads
Number of Alternatives: 1
Problem Alternative is Addressing: High concentration of access.

Option A: Consolidate access and construct/extend frontage roads

North Frontage Road:
- Extend frontage road north of Hwy 11 to connect to the driveway across from 7th Ave NW
- Close access to Hwy 11 at the existing eastern terminus of the frontage road
South Frontage Road:
- Extend frontage road south of Hwy 11, east of 7th Avenue SW
- Close access west of 9th Avenue SW
- Close driveway access between 7th Avenue SW and Hwy 89
Turn Lanes:
- Westbound right and left turn lanes at Cty Rd 120 – built in 2015
- Eastbound right and left turn lanes at 15th Avenue NW
Estimated Construction Costs: $400,000-$500,000
Right of Way Needs: This option would not require right of way for the improvements to Hwy 11. Construction of the frontage roads would require right of way from a total of four parcels. It is expected that the City of Roseau would seek right of way dedication as these parcels develop.
Environmental Concerns: Contamination at gas station on southwest corner of Hwy 11 and Hwy 89 and contamination in vicinity of existing frontage road north of Hwy 11.
Risks: Cost of right of way acquisition, contamination.
Benefits: Safety and mobility improvements by consolidating access onto Hwy 11

Concept layouts

Area 5, Option A