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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 10—Wadena

Wadena and Otter Tail counties

Stay connected during 2025-2027 construction

About this project

MnDOT will improve and expand Hwy 10 to four lanes, two in each direction, from west of Wadena at 620th Ave., Otter Tail County, to east of Wadena at Oink Joint Rd./140th St., Wadena County in 2025-2027.

Hwy 10 project map location west to east of the city of Wadena
Hwy 10 project location map. Select image to enlarge
  • Rural:
    • 620th Ave. near Bluffton to Co. Rd. 92/11th St. NW in Wadena
    • Shady Lane Dr. in Wadena to east of Oink Joint Rd./140th St.
  • Urban: Co. Rd. 92 (formerly 640th Ave.) to Shady Lane Dr. in Wadena

Summary of work

  • Expand Hwy 10 to four lanes between 620th Ave. and Oink Joint Rd./140th St., includes adjacent roads and entrances
  • Improve accesses and install:
  • Install drainage structures

Learn more about the benefits of roundabouts and J-turns