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Summary of work
Reconstruction of Hwy 65 from Newton Ave. to Shell Rock River Bridge in Albert Lea began April 25 and was completed Nov. 17, 2022.

- Reconstructed Hwy 65 from Newton Ave. to the Shell Rock River Bridge
- Improved drainage to reduce flood events
- Repaved Hwy 65 from Shell Rock River Bridge to Sorenson Rd.
- Reduced serious right-angle crashes with intersection modifications from Garfield Ave. to Prospect Ave., including Reduced Conflict Intersections (RCIs) at Prospect Ave. and Morningside Rd.
- Made ADA and safety improvements including construction of new sidewalks and median refuges
- Installed new traffic signal at Garfield Ave.
- Installed new lighting
Please reference the final layout for detailed information.
Newton Ave. to Shellrock River Bridge
Project goals
- Reduce flood events
- Improve pedestrian access and safety
- Reconstruct roadway and raise 2 feet at low point
- Increase storm sewer intake capacity
- Install backflow prevention
- Widen sidewalks, add pedestrian refuges
- Construct new sidewalk between Elizabeth Ave. and Katherine St.
Wilson St. to Ulstad Ave.
Project goals
- Reduce number of right-angle crashes, or T-bone crashes, which are usually more serious. Right-angle crashes appear to be from cross street traffic
- Resolve pedestrian access issues with unclear routes and improve safety
- Limit access points and cross street traffic
- Increase distance between access points
- Install turn lanes
- Construct new sidewalks
- Add pedestrian refuges in the median
Fenton Ave. to Prospect Ave.
Project goals
- Reduce number of right-angle crashes, or T-bone crashes, which are usually more serious. Right-angle crashes appear to be from cross street traffic
- Resolve pedestrian access issues with unclear routes and improve safety
- Limit access points and cross street traffic
- Increase distance between access points
- Install RCIs at Prospect Ave. and Morningside Rd.
- Construct new sidewalks
- Add pedestrian refuges in the median