New Ulm to North Mankato corridor

Hwy 14 New Ulm to Nicollet project area; View full-size project area map

Hwy 14 from New Ulm to Nicollet opened to traffic Nov. 21 at 5 p.m.
Preferred route
- A preferred route has been selected and the final environmental document is complete
- Four-lane expansion of 22.5 miles from New Ulm to North Mankato
- Project segments include (west to east):
- New Ulm Gateway
- New Ulm to Nicollet (including Courtland)
- Nicollet to North Mankato
- Project segments include (west to east):
New Ulm to Nicollet
Starting construction spring 2022
The 12.5-mile segment of Hwy 14 from New Ulm to Nicollet was included in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) completed in 2011 and design is complete. The four-lane expansion of Hwy 14 with a Courtland bypass will be constructed in 2022-23.
Watch the video to learn more about the four-lane expansion project:
Summary of work

- Preliminary design layout (PDF)
- Construct a four-lane divided highway from New Ulm (CR 37) to the existing four-lane west of Nicollet
- Bypass the city of Courtland
- Construct grade-separated interchanges at New Ulm (CR 37) and at Courtland (on the bypass with an extension of CR 24 and a realignment of CR 12)
- Construct J-Turns or Green-Ts (acceleration lanes) at higher risk at-grade intersections, including:
- New Ulm Quartzite Quarries
- Jeremy Drive/Kohn Drive (residential neighborhood)
- Minnesota Valley Lutheran School
- Provide right turn lanes at all public roads
- Provide left turn lanes at all median crossings
- Realign intersecting roadways to square them to Hwy 14
- Install snow fence between Courtland and Nicollet to prevent excessive blowing and drifting snow
- Reconstruct two-lane on existing alignment between Hwy 15 and CR 37
Project schedule
- Municipal consent from Courtland - spring 2021
- Negotiate with landowners for land needed - winter 2020 - summer 2021
- Final design complete - fall 2021
- Project letting - winter 2021
- Construction - spring 2022 - fall 2023
Traffic impacts
Traffic will be detoured in spring 2022 through fall 2023. Detour will remain in place during winter.

Highway 14 detour/staging maps and 2022-2023 winter route access; View full-size detour/staging map
New Ulm Gateway (completed in 2019)
Construction from the Broadway signal to Hwy 14/15/CR 21 Y intersection (PDF) in New Ulm began in Fall 2017 with the majority of work done in 2018-19. Landscaping and aesthetics were completed in Spring 2020.
Nicollet to North Mankato (completed in 2016)
The Nicollet to North Mankato four-lane expansion project advanced from 2017-18 to 2015-16 due to Corridors of Commerce funding and included a 2.5-mile bypass of Nicollet. It also included grading and paving 6.5 miles of additional two lanes to the north of the existing Hwy 14, and 2.5 miles of four-lane bypass on new alignment south of Nicollet. This section opened to traffic on Nov. 11, 2016.