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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Typical Landscape Corridor Treatments


Trees and grasses

MnDOT's conceptual vegetation types


MnDOT's Environmental Planning and Design Unit uses descriptive and illustrative conceptual vegetation types in preliminary planning and project development for the following purposes: 

  • To identify and illustrate approximate locations and massing areas of conceptual landscape treatment and vegetation type alternatives for preliminary planning and aesthetic design guidance activities that seek public and stakeholder support and acceptance. This level of conceptual development is sufficient to estimate budget, cost participation and maintenance requirements.
  • To develop landscape design concept plans, as early as possible in the project development process, to graphically communicate landscape design commitments and intent (mitigation and opportunity areas) to scale in an effort to facilitate coordination with other functional areas to minimize future conflicts (soil management, geometrics, right of way, utilities, stormwater management, etc.) and to preserve the ability to satisfy design commitments and intent with future landscaping projects.
  • To help integrate landscape and aesthetic considerations and decision-making early and continuously in the project development process to maximize cost-effectiveness, process streamlining and successful outcomes that balance and satisfy public and stakeholder objectives. The ability to maximize opportunities, cost-effectiveness and design excellence are frequently lost or compromised if landscape and aesthetic considerations are not integrated early and continuously in transportation project development - they should not be “tack-on” elements.

Typical landscape treatment files

Use of conceptual vegetation types is not intended or appropriate for site-specific and detailed landscape design development or final design plans. The conceptual vegetation types (A thru S) described and illustrated, are not intended to preclude additional conceptual vegetation types to address specific needs (ecotone restoration, etc.).

Resources and guidelines