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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Design-Bid-Build Quality Management Process


Orange barrels on a highway

Guidance and classes

MnDOT's Office of Project Management and Technical Support, Pre-Letting Section developed guidance documentation to enhance quality management initiatives for project activity within the design-bid-build environment. The process is a value added initiative to establish statewide standards of quality and limit unnecessary project schedule and budget overruns, and identifies strategies to limit project risk using scalable project quality and constructability criteria. 

The manual supplements the quality philosophy and offers organized quality criteria, process sequences and defined roles and responsibilities. Through the associated training, a design practitioner may increase his or her awareness of MnDOT's Quality Management Process Manual’s salient and prescriptive quality concepts, strategies, and practices. Participants will review the manual, discuss components of the Quality Management Process, and identify process requirements for project development. Note: Classes do not include bridge plan preparation quality management.

The target audience is:

  • project managers
  • design squad leaders
  • design and plan development staff
  • transportation specialists
  • planners
  • auditors
  • estimators
  • contractors
  • local agencies
  • consultants involved in the preparation of final plans for roadways and related improvements on the trunk highway system


Sample procedure and manual