The total project cost for the St. Charles Interstate 90 Business Project is $2,600,000. TED funds from MnDOT and DEED contributed $570,000 to this project and the rest was funded by the City of St. Charles.
Project Description
This TED project is to provide direct access to a new industrial park in St. Charles from Interstate 90. This 37-acre industrial park is will attract new business in order to replace North Star Foods, which was lost in a fire in 2009.
Transportation Impacts
This TED project will constructs new turn lanes to Hwy 74 in order to provide easier and safer access to a new industrial park. This project is located immediately adjacent to Interstate 90, which has long been seen by the city as an untapped opportunity for growth due to the proximity to this major transportation corridor.
Economic Development Impacts
This project is intended to attract new business to the St. Charles area in order to replace the 250 jobs lost from the destruction of North Star Foods. It is anticipated that the proximity of the project to I-90 will attract new business and support existing businesses in the St. Charles area.