Making transportation accessible to everyone

Celebrating 30 years of ADA
July 26, 2020 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) being signed into law. This revolutionary piece of civil rights legislation broke down barriers for millions of persons with disabilities, working to increase inclusion and opportunities in all aspects of life. Its employment provisions prohibit discrimination in job application procedures, hiring, advancement, job training, and other terms, conditions, and privileges of employment. Along the ADA timeline, in 1999, The U.S. Supreme Court issued the landmark Olmstead v. L.C. decision, which ruled that segregation of people with disabilities when integrated, community-based settings are an option, is a form of discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Through this decision, long-term services and support for people with disabilities of all ages, including participation in community living or employment, must reflect what is appropriate for and desired by the individual. In unification with ADA and the Olmstead decision, MnDOT is committed to providing accessible transportation facilities and communications. MnDOT’s ADA Unit provides department support for the design and construction of accessible facilities in MnDOT’s right of way and policy direction for MnDOT on how to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA Unit is also the primary contact for individuals who need accommodations to access MnDOT services or are encountering accessibility barriers with MnDOT. To learn more about the history of ADA or ways to celebrate in your area, please visit the following websites:
- Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
- Disability:IN
- Federal Highway Administration (PDF)
- MN Council on Disability
- ADA National Network
- Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
MnDOT ADA key links
- MnDOT notice of non-discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Requests for interpretive services (ASL, alternative formats, etc.)
- Notify MnDOT of an accessibility concern
- MnDOT's Grievance Procedure
- MnDOT Transition Plan
- Americans with Disabilities Act training
Accessibility concerns
If you have accessibility concerns regarding MnDOT, please fill out our ADA complaint form. If you prefer to file a comment or complaint concerning an ADA issue in a different format, please call toll-free 1-833-400-8432. If you need relay assistance, please call 711.