Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

As-Built Deliverable

Earth Retaining Systems

The section contains the specific Earth Retaining System Asset features to be collected and associated feature codes, GPS location requirements, and an electronic spreadsheet that includes field names, metadata and example collection data.


The ERS asset class includes the following Features, Feature Codes, and GPS Location Requirements:

Earth Retaining Systems Feature Index
Feature Feature Code Collect Location
Earth Retaining Wall RTWL Collect at base, every 50' and change in direction
Retaining System Other (Add Type) RTOTHER Collect at base, every 50' and change in direction

Format of Data Collection

The data shall be formatted per TABLE Z (requires Internet Explorer), which is an electronic spreadsheet that includes field names, metadata and example collection data.

Additional Guidelines

For each ERS feature, please describe the type of retaining structure (Cantilever, MSE, Gravity, Soil Nails, etc.) in the comments.

Key Contact

Please email questions and make data requests for ERS to
Trisha.Stefanski@state.mn.us at 651-234-7993.