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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

IIJA Match Program



Last updated February 3, 2025

IIJA Match funds:  $216,400,000
Legislative Reduction:   ($11,000,000)
Administrative set-aside up to:   ($3,000,000)
Total IIJA Match Funds Awarded:   ($182,225,516)
Balance   $20,174,484


Projects funded

Grant Recipient Federal Program Project Name Type of Project General Status Federal Funds Awarded Total Project Costs State Amount Requested State Amount Provided MnDOT District Transportation Mode
Columbia Heights City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Complete a citywide safety action plan to address safety, accessibility, and equity concerns throughout the City. Not Started $200,000 $240,000 $48,000 $48,000 Metro Local roadway
Excelsior City Bridge Investment Program - Planning Minnetonka Blvd. Bridge (St. Albans Bay Bridge) Conduct a planning and feasibility study to explore the replacement of the existing St. Albans Bay Bridge, located on the border of Excelsior, MN and Greenwood, MN. Not Started $269,600 $337,000 $67,400 $67,400 Metro Roads, Bridges and Major Projects
Hennepin County National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE Lake Street Improvements to Enhance BRT Repaving bus only lanes, turn lanes, pavement markings, ADA upgrades and traffic signal modifications. Not Started $12,000,000 $15,000,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 Metro Local roadway
Carver County Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight/Highway (INFRA) US 212 Freight Mobility & Safety Project Road work expanding approximately 5 miles. Not Started $10,000,000 $59,450,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Metro State highway
St. Louis Park City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Identify strategies and programs to improve safety and prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries. Not Started $160,000 $200,000 $40,000 $40,000 Metro Local roadway
Duluth City National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE West Superior Street Active Corridor The project will be a complete reconstruction of West Superior St from Michigan St to Carlton St.  Not Started $24,999,160 $38,422,650 $7,684,530 $7,684,530 1 Local roadway
Duluth City National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE Coastal Transportation Infrastructure Rehab Protect and improve a separated multi-modal transportation trail, increase connections to that trail, and mitigate the coastal barrier adjacent to the trail. Not Started $81,196,234 $10,248,758 $2,049,752 $2,049,752 1 Transit
MN Dept of IRRR Advanced Transportation Technology & Innovation (ATTAIN) MN Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative (MARTI) An on-demand micro-transit autonomous and electric vehicle project in rural NE MN providing public accessibility focused transportation options for rural communities in winter climate settings. Not Started $9,302,812 $11,628,515 $2,325,703 $2,325,703 1 Transit
Metro Transit  Low/No Emission Vehicle Program EV Buses and Charging Equipment Deploy four battery-electric buses and six smaller cutaway-type battery-electric vehicles. Not Started $8,127,891 $9,563,072 $1,434,461 $1,434,461 Metro Transit
Metropolitan Council Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Battery-Electric Buses, Chargers, Equipment Deploy 12 battery-electric buses and depot chargers. Not Started $17,532,900 $20,435,000 $3,065,250 $3,065,250 Metro Electric vehicle infrastructure
Plymouth City National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE Station 73 Transit and Regional Improvement Improve transportation with a new pedestrian underpass under TH 55, inline stations at Station 73, realigning CSAH 73 south of HWY 55 and new regional trail. Not Started $15,000,000 $25,388,000 $5,077,600 $5,077,600 Metro Local roadway
Rochester City National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE 6th Street Bridge Construction Project Construction of multi-modal bridge, improve trail connections, and roadway improvements. Not Started $19,900,000 $29,900,000 $5,980,000 $5,980,000 6 Local bridge
Dakota County National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE Completing the Mississippi River Greenway Pedestrian focused project to close trail gaps, improve crossing, enhance user experience. Not Started $8,800,000 $12,200,000 $2,440,000 $2,440,000 Metro Bicycle/pedestrian
Glencoe City Airport Terminal Program Glencoe Municipal Airport Construction of a new arrival/departure (A/D) building at the Glencoe Municipal Airport to replace the current facility to provide become ADA compliant and improve airport functionality.  Not Started $712,500 $750,000 $37,500 $37,500 8 Air
Eagan City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Development of a comprehensive city-wide Safety Action Plan.  Not Started $80,000 $100,000 $20,000 $20,000 Metro Local roadway 
Prairie Island Indian Community Low or No Emission Vehicle Program Net Zero Vehicle Electrification The project will acquire electric vehicles to replace Tribal Government-owned, petroleum-fueled shuttles and passenger vans. Not Started $1,616,426 $1,912,426 $286,864 $286,864 6 Electric vehicle infrastructure
Duluth City Airport Terminal Program Sky Harbor Airport Construct new 1,200 SF Terminal Building, that is ADA-compliant and energy efficient.  Not Started $1,187,000 $1,249,474 $62,474 $62,474 1 Air 
Fillmore County Airport Terminal Program Fillmore County Airport Reconstruction of the 1,800 SF Terminal Building at Sky Harbor Airport.  Not Started $950,000 $1,086,976 $54,349 $54,349 6 Air 
Monticello City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Identify roadway improvements that can be made to increase safety with the goal of eliminating serious injury and fatality accidents from occurring in the City. Not Started $200,000 $240,000 $48,000 $48,000 3 Local roadway
White Earth Nation Bus and Bus Facilities Program White Earth Public Transit Facility White Earth Public Transit is constructing a Multi-Purpose Bus Facility located in Waubun Mn. This will house administration staff, washbay, maintenance, and bus storage. Not Started $3,607,642 $4,494,867 $898,973 $898,973 Metro Transit
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The project will develop a holistic, well-defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries within the Band's jurisdiction.  Not Started $221,821 $279,296 $55,859 $55,859 1 Local roadway 
Woodbury City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The program supports the development of a comprehensive safety action plan (Action Plan) that identifies the most significant roadway safety concerns in a community and the implementation of projects. Not Started $300,000 $375,000 $75,000 $75,000 Metro Local roadway 
Twin Cities & Western Railroad Co Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) TC&W Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement This project will convert 12.2 miles of TC&W mainline track to continuous welded rail (CWR) by performing "joint elimination" via flash-butt welding. Making for a stronger and safer infrastructure. Project awarded by the State. TCWR returned funds as not planning to move forward with the project. $2,103,000 $4,206,000 $841,200 $841,200 8 Freight
Little Falls City Railroad Crossing Elimination Program TH27 Mississippi River Bridge Grade  Provide Planning, NEPA, and design services for the Trunk Highway 27 Bridge over the Mississippi River and BNSF railroad crossing. Not Started $3,200,000 $4,000,000 $800,000 $800,000 3 State bridge
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Propane-Fueled Big Woods Transit Fleet The project will develop a holistic, well‐defined strategy to prevent roadway fatalities and serious injuries within the Bands jurisdiction. Not Started $739,500 $876,000 $175,200 $175,200 1 Electric Car 
Fridley City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Fridley Streets for All This project will develop a multi-modal safety action plan for the City of Fridley under the SS4A program.  The plan will provide an implementable path toward achieving zero deaths goal. Not Started $220,000 $275,000 $55,000 $55,000 Metro Local roadway
Hennepin County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Hennepin County is developing a TZD Action Plan, which is aimed at reducing fatalities and serious injuries on our system.   Not Started $240,000 $300,000 $60,000 $60,000 Metro Local roadway 
Buffalo City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) City Wide Safety Action Plan The completion of a safety plan will allow the City to identify deficiencies in transportation network and prioritize improvements that increase safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists. Not Started $192,000 $240,000 $48,000 $48,000 3 Local roadway 
Rochester-Olmsted Council of Gov'ts Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The project will complete a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan meeting the requirements of the Safe Streets for All (SS4A) program covering all local jurisdictions in Olmsted County.  Not Started $276,800 $346,000 $69,200 $69,200 6 Local roadway 
MnDOT Advanced Digital Construction Management Systems (ADCMS) Minnesota Nice Connects the DOTs through the Construction Cycle Updated asset and digital data management systems across the state's construction cycle and the goal of improving decision-making, managing risks and employing mitigation strategies. Not Started $2,160,000 $3,000,000 $600,000 $600,000 Metro State highway
MnDOT Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Low or No Emission Rural Vehicles Replace six conventional buses with battery electric buses, charging equipment & related infrastructure to be utilized by four rural public transit systems. Not Started $3,414,680 $3,931,092 $589,664 $589,664 Metro Transit
Rochester City Bus and Bus Facilities Program Park and Ride Lot Installation of a 200 stall park-and-ride facility to support transit use in the community. Not Started $7,440,000 $9,300,000 $1,860,000 $1,860,000 6 Transit
Kandiyohi County Railroad Crossing Elimination Program CSAH 55 Rail Grande Crossing Elimination The project constructs an overpass on CSAH 55 that will span the BNSF rail line (two tracks) and reconstruct one mile of rural two-lane highway on CSAH 55. Not Started $4,824,563 $9,649,127 $1,929,825 $1,929,825 8 Local roadway
Edina City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Safe & Equitable Mobility Action Plan Edina's new mobility action plan and will combine various transportation plans into a comprehensive plan. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 Metro Bicycle/pedestrian
MnDOT National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE TH 197 Bemidji Reconstruction of Hwy 197, Middle School Drive, Hannah Avenue and Gillette Drive. Not Started $18,000,000 $26,000,000 $5,200,000 $5,200,000 Metro Roads, Bridges and Major Projects
Minneapolis City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Minneapolis Systematic Street Safety Improvements Minneapolis was awarded a Safe Streets for All grant for safety treatments focused on high injury streets. Not Started $20,004,000 $25,240,000 $5,048,000 $5,048,000 Metro Local roadway
Sherburne County INFRA  US 169 Rural Safety and Mobility Interchange Project Reconstruction of approx 1 mile of US169 and approx 1/2 mile of CSAH 4.   Not Started $24,732,000 $47,100,000 $9,420,000 $9,420,000 7 State highway
ReConnect Rondo Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program Reconnect Rondo Restore and reconnect the Community Land Bridge in the Rondo neighborhood.  Not Started $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Metro Roads, Bridges and Major Projects
Elk River City Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Identify and prioritize risk levels to include spatial data, livelihood security, occupational activities, miromobility, personal conveyance and safe system approach to address the highest risks. Not Started $198,480 $248,100 $49,620 $49,620 Metro Bicycle/pedestrian
Metropolitan Airports Commission Airport Terminal Program Minneapolis - St Paul International Airport This award funds the expansion of Terminal 2 to include two new gates and related infrastructure at the north end of the terminal. Not Started $20,000,000 $237,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Metro Air
MnDOT - District 8 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) MN Hwy 19 Reconstruction Project Reconstruction of Hwy 19 from Marlene St to Bruce St.  Not Started $18,625,713 $29,086,934 $5,817,387 $5,817,387 8 State highway
for 1
National Infrastructure Project Assistance Program (INFRA) SP 6981-26 Blatnik Bridge Replacement Replacement of the Blatnik Bridge (I-535) over the St. Louis River between Duluth and Superior and new interchange in Superior. Not Started $497,447,154 $1,763,997,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 1 State bridge
Red Wing City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Planning activities to develop, approve, and adopt an actionable transportation related Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. Not Started $195,760 $244,700 $48,940 $48,940 6 Local roadway
Duluth City Airport Terminal Program ATP Reconstruct Air Traffic Tower Relocation of a non-standard, airport owned ATCT. The project includes design, project formulation, site preparation, line of sight obstruction removal, and other related actions. Not Started $10,000,000 $66,000,000 $3,300,000 $3,300,000 1 Air 
MnDOT - District 3 Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program TH 210 Brainerd (Rural) Reconstruction and rehabilitation of a four mile segment of MN Hwy 210 from Baxter Dr to Pine Shores Rd. Not Started $25,000,000 $55,900,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 3A State highway 
SouthWest Transit Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Low or No Emission Battery-Electric Buses Development of battery-electric buses for SouthWest Transit (SWT) including; four replacement 45-foot coach battery-electric buses and six replacement 25-foot battery-ev. Not Started $8,127,891 $9,563,072 $1,912,614 $1,912,614 Metro Electric Car 
MnDOT - District 2 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (PROTECT) Highway 11 Rainy River Slide Realignment and Resiliency Project Realign 1.2 miles of State Hwy 11 to remove the roadway from the land slide areas along the Rainy River.  Not Started $2,560,000 $4,520,000 $904,000 $904,000 2 State Highway
Duluth City Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program Duluth I-35: Community Access Revitalization Study The City of Duluth, MN in partnership with the MN Dept of Transportation and the Duluth-Superior Metropolitan Interstate Council, will develop a transportation plan for I-35. Not Started $1,800,000 $2,250,000 $450,000 $450,000 1 State Highway
St. Louis County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop a safety action plan for all roads in St. Louis County. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 Metro Local Roadway
MnDOT - District 4 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation Program (PROTECT) West Central Minnesota I-94 Blowing and Drifting Snow Control Project 38 snow fence sites along I-94 from Moorhead to Alexandria. Not Started $13,736,000 $17,170,000 $3,434,000 $3,434,000 4 State Highway
White Earth Nation Business Community Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Low-or No- Emission Buses w/Electronic Farebox Low-no grant to purchase and replace 4 buses and 2 electric fareboxes. Not Started $723,171 $903,966 $180,793 $180,793 Metro Electric Car 
Arrowhead Regional Development Commission (ARDC) Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan Duluth, Hermantown, Proctor and Rice Lake and the townships cities of Duluth, Hermantown, Proctor and Rice Lake and the townships of Canosia, Duluth, Grand Lake, Lakewood, Midway and Solway in MN; and the City of Superior, the towns of Lakeside, Parkland and Superior and the villages of Oliver and Superior in WI. Not Started $250,000 $312,500 $62,500 $62,500 1 Local Roadway 
St. Cloud APO Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Addressing Traffic Safety Issues Project is the development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the Saint Cloud, MN urban area to be used in the future to apply for implementation funds. Not Started $120,000 $150,000 $30,000 $30,000 3 Local Roadway
MN Valley Regional Rail Authority Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) MVRRA Track Rehab Evaluation  To preform the preliminary engineering and environmental work for future track reconstruction from Franklin, MN to Hanley Falls, MN. Not Started $520,000 $650,000 $130,000 $130,000 Metro Freight
Beltrami County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Safety Action Plan Supplemental planning to enhance Beltrami County's Action Plan. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 2B Local roadway
St. Louis County Rebuilding America Infrastructure (RAISE) Rice Lake Rd (CSAH 4) Corridor Project Create a multi-modal corridor through the reconstruction of Rice Lake Rd (CSAH 4) and Martin Rd (CSAH 9), and construction of a new city street and multi-use paths. Not Started $25,000,000 $44,730,000 $8,946,000 $8,946,000 Metro Local roadway
Willmar City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The City of Willmar has been awarded IIJA funding to complete a SS4A Action Plan. The final document will provide the city with a multi-year actionable transportation safety plan.  Not Started $200,000 $240,000 $40,000 $40,000 8 Local roadway
MnDOT - District 7 Rebuilding America Infrastructure (RAISE) Hwy 59 Worthington Streets Project Reconstruction of Hwy 59 from approximately I-90 to Hwy 60 in the City of Worthington, MN. Major project items include grading, concrete pavement, roundabouts, utilities, and signals. Not Started $15,140,000 $26,340,000 $5,268,000 $5,268,000 7 State Highway
Cottage Grove City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Planning dollars for development of a city wide Safety Action Plan. Not Started $352,000 $440,000 $88,000 $88,000 Metro Local roadway
St Paul City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Safe and Equitable Streets: Systemic Improvements for Saint Paul & Ramsey County Roads Installation of systemic transportation safety counter measures on local and county streets, with a focus on the high injury network and historically underserved communities. Not Started $15,725,600 $19,657,000 $3,931,400 $3,931,400 Metro Local roadway
Brooklyn Park City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop comprehensive Safety Action Plan and conduct demonstration activities for travel within the City of Brooklyn Park. Not Started $360,000 $450,000 $90,000 $90,000 Metro Local roadway
Shakopee City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop comprehensive Safety Action Plan and two supplemental activities (Corridor Safety Analysis; Control Policy update) to improve safety and enhance the Action Plan. Not Started $320,000 $400,000 $80,000 $80,000 Metro Local roadway
Bloomington City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop comprehensive safety action plan, conduct two demonstration activities, and update the comprehensive safety action plan, conduct two demonstration activities, and update the comprehensive safe routes to school plan. Not Started $412,000 $515,000 $103,000 $103,000 Metro Local roadway
West St Paul City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop a new Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for West St. Paul. From this plan the city can apply for Implementation Grants through SS4A. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 Metro Local roadway
New Brighton City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The City of New Brighton will create a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan to supplement the 2024 Living Streets Plan and implement additional safety measures. Not Started $160,000 $200,000 $40,000 $40,000 Metro Local roadway
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Comprehensive Safety Action Plan The Fond du Lac Band is requesting funding through the FY 2024 Safe Streets and Roads for All Planning grant program for the development of a SS4A Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. Not Started $138,240 $172,800 $34,560 $34,560 1 Local roadway
MnDOT - OTAT Low/No Emission Vehicle Program Low or No Emission Rural Vehicles and Supporting Fuel Equipment Purchase seven (7) <30 ft. propane fueled low emission propane fueled buses and to purchase and install a propane bulk tank and storage dispenser at an existing transit facility. Not Started $1,456,970 $1,714,083 $257,112 $257,112 Metro 1 Transit
Two Harbors City  Airport Terminal Program Construction of new terminal Two Harbors submitted an application to fund construction of a new airport terminal. Not Started $1,140,000 $1,200,000 $60,000 $60,000 1 Air
New Ulm City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)  Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Development of a comprehensive safety action plan for the City of New Ulm to increase safety and eliminating serious injury and fatal accidents within our City. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 7 Local roadway
White Earth Band of Chippewa Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Wildlife Crossings Pilot Program The lighted separated shared use path is a 0.85 mile facility on the White Earth Reservation in Mahnomen County running predominately on Tribal land in the village of nay tah waush. Not Started $1,182,872 $1,478,591 $295,718 $295,718 Metro Air
Our Streets Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program Bring Back 6th Our Streets Minneapolis will use USDOT support to fund a comprehensive feasibility study for Olson Memorial Highway with the goal of restoring and revitalizing the 6th Avenue North corridor. Not Started $1,600,000 $3,343,000 $668,600 $668,600 Metro Freight
Metropolitan Airports Commission Airport Terminal Program MSP International Airport This project includes expansion of the existing Terminal 1 building on Concourse G from Gates 8 -13 and renovation of existing space at the ground level, main level, and upper level. Not Started $20,000,000 $285,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Metro State highway
MnDOT - Metro Nationally Significant Freight & Highway Projects (INFRA) I-494 E-ZPass Project On I-494 from TH169 to TH100, Penn Ave to 34th Ave in Bloomington and on I-35W from 86th St in Bloomington to 76th St in Richfield, mobility and safety Improvements, reconstruct mainline pavement, etc. Not Started $138,001,000 $331,500,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 Metro Local roadway
Minnesota Commercial Railway Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grants (CRISI) Minnesota Commercial Railway Locomotive Emission Reduction Project A locomotive modernization project that will replace nine (9) unregulated locomotives with six (6) new tier-4 switch engines. Providing a 90% reduction in NOx and DPM emissions. Not Started $15,862,400 $19,828,000 $3,965,600 $3,965,600 3A Air 
Thief River Falls Airport Authority Airport Terminal Program GA Terminal Relocation and Construction Relocation of existing terminal space within commercial service terminal to new general aviation terminal building. Project includes design, project formulation, utilities, building construction. Not Started $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $90,000 $90,000 2B Air
Pine River City Airport Terminal Program Airport Terminal Program (ATP) The lighted separated shared use path is a 0.85 mile facility on the White Earth Reservation in Mahnomen County running predominately on Tribal land in the village of nay tah waush. Not Started $1,140,000 $1,200,000 $60,000 $60,000 Metro Bicycle/Pedestrian
Progressive Rail Incorporated Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement Grants (CRISI) Progressive Rail Incorporated Progressive Rail Incorporated (PGR) is proposing a critical upgrade to their mainline infrastructure to elevate track standards by replacing ties, upgrading to continuous welded rail and new ballast. Not Started $37,264,356 $47,170,071 $9,434,014 $9,434,014 Metro Freight
Crow Wing County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Crow Wing County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Crow Wing County was awarded a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant to develop a comprehensive safety action plan. The goal of the project is to improve roadway safety in Crow Wing County. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 3A Local roadway
Hopkins City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) City of Hopkins Transportation Safety Action Plan

The City of Hopkins was awarded $165,832 in federal funding through the FY 2024 SS4A Planning and Demonstration grant program for the development of a comprehensive Transportation Safety Action Plan. . 

Not Started $165,832 $207,290 $41,458 $41,458 Metro Local roadway
Minneapolis City Bridge Infrastructure Program (BIP) Nicollet Avenue Bridge over Minnehaha Creek Rehab Project The project will rehabilitate Bridge No.90591. The 16-span bridge carries Nicollet Avenue South over Minnehaha Creek and Minnehaha Parkway between 52nd Street and 54th Street. Not Started $34,303,584 $42,879,480 $8,575,896 $8,575,896 Metro Local bridge
MnDOT - Metro Bridge Infrastructure Program (BIP) Planning for Tomorrow: Developing Comprehensive Bridge Management Plans for Sustainable Infrastructure Resilience in MN Project to develop strategic asset management plans for seven high priority bridges across the state’s Trunk Highway System. Not Started $2,304,000 $2,880,000 $576,000 $576,000 Metro State Bridge
MnDOT - Metro Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Highway 55: A Community Partnership, A Roadway for All This study will support planning and partnerships with the people and communities along Highway 55 in Minneapolis, Golden Valley, Plymouth and Medina in Hennepin County. Not Started $3,600,000 $4,500,000 $900,000 $900,000 Metro State highway
Nobles County Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Nobles County Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Develop a new Safety Action Plan for Nobles County meeting the requirements of the SS4A program and complete supplemental corridor planning of County State Aid Highway 10. Not Started $250,000 $312,500 $62,500 $62,500 7 Local roadway
Crosslake City Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Develop a safety action plan with particular focus on vulnerable users Develop a safety action plan with a particular focus on vulnerable users. Not Started $200,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 3A Local roadway
    $1,224,493,552 $3,408,368,340 $182,225,516 $182,225,516


Projects not funded

Grant Recipient Federal Program Project Name Type of Project State Amount Requested State Amount Provided MnDOT District Transportation Mode Comments
Scott County  Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)  US 169 & TH 282 Interchange Project Construct an interchange at US 169 and TH 282/CH 9, construct a grade separation of the Union Pacific main line rail crossing on CH 9, and add separated trail connections across US 169 in Jordan. $8,220,000 $0 Metro State highway  FY21 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE)  is not an IIJA grant program.
Duluth City 2022 National Scenic Byways Program  Skyline Parkway Overlook and Interpretive Marker Project  Restoration and preservation of Bardon's Peak Overlook stone retaining walls and construction of informational monument. $400,000 $0 1 Local roads Skyline Parkway Overlook and Interpretive Marker Project is not an IIJA grant program.
Bemidji City RAISE- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity  Roadway and intersection improvements TBD $4,600,000 $920,000 $0 2A Local roads
Bemidji City RAISE- Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity  TH 197 (Paul Bunyan Drive) Safety and Mobility Improvement Project Roadway and intersection improvements $920,000 $0 2 Local roads MnDOT is the awardee of TH 197 (Paul Bunyan Drive) Safety and Mobility Improvement Project, not Bemidji. 
St. Michael City Carbon Reduction Program (CRP)  CSAH 35 Multi-Use Trail Construction of new multi-use trail  $60,000 $0 Metro Local roads Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is formula grant.
St. Michael City Region 7W STBGP  Maciver Avenue Improvements STBG 8623(121)  Reconstruction of MacIver Ave to State and Federal aid standards $351,656 $0 Metro Local roads Region 7W STBGP is not an IIJA grant program. 
Dakota County  2022 National Scenic Byways Program  All-American Great River Road – SLP Reserve, Fischer Ave Trailhead  Construct a new trailhead for the All-American Great River Road $280,000 $0 Metro Local roads Scenic Byway Grant is not an IIJA funded grant program.
Glencoe City Airport Infrastructure Grants (AIG) Glencoe Municipal Airport Construction of new arrival/departure building to replace current facility and become ADA compliant.  $58,231 $0 8 Airport Airport Infrastructure Grants (AIG)  are not competitive funds.  AIG funding are entitlements for NPIAS airports (i.e. federally funded airports) through a formula. 
Glencoe City Airport Improvement Program (AIP)  Arrival Departure Terminal Building Construction  Construction of a new arrival/departure building. $47,725 $0 8 Airport Airport Improvement Program (AIP)  are not competitive funds. 
Moorhead City Rural Surface Transportation Program Moorhead Grade Separation Project This project will receive match assistance outside of the IIJA match program. $0 $0 4 Local roads
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa National Infrastructure Investments - RAISE Big Woods Transit Facility Construction No match is required for this grant. Asking for help with increased/inflationary costs.  $0 $0 1 Local roads