Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Information and resources

Information and resources

Message Monday

Each Monday, MnDOT uses the agency’s electronic message boards along state highways and interstates to share safety messages with travelers – known as “Message Monday.”

Message Monday is one of many tools MnDOT uses to encourage safe driving habits. Messages can be fun and creative, but need to include a clear and easy-to-understand safety message.

Submission rules

  • Messages must be focused on traffic safety and encouraging safe driving behavior.
  • Messages cannot include website URLs, phone numbers or any version of political or business advertising.
  • Messages cannot include profanity or any vulgar or disparaging language.
  • Minnesota’s variable message signs have a limit of 18 characters per line (including letters and spaces). For readability, words should not be split across one or more lines.

MnDOT will review all submissions and reserves the right to use submissions in their entirety and/or edit messages at the agency’s discretion.

Have a creative Message Monday idea? Submit it here!

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