Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Geographic Information & Mapping

Preparing and maintaining core GIS and CAD data at a planning level scale

Orange barrels on a highway

Beltrami County

Municipality and township maps

Beltrami County image map with links to city and township maps Benville Township Lee Township Spruce Grove Township Minnie Township Hamre Township Steenerson Township Waskish Township Shotley Township Battle Township Woodrow Township Kelliher Kelliher Township Quiring Township Cormant Township Shooks Township Funkley Tenstrike Blackduck Solway Wilton Turtle River Alaska Township Roosevelt Township Maple Ridge Township Durand Township Nebish Township Hagali Township O'Brien Township Langor Township Hornet Township Summit Township Hines Township Buzzle Township Liberty Township Turtle Lake Township Port Hope Township Taylor Township Lammers Township Jones Township Grant Valley Township Eckles Township Bemidji Bemidji Township Northern Township Birch Township Moose Lake Township Sugar Bush Township Turtle River Township Frohn Township Ten Lake Township