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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Materials and Road Research

Materials and Road Research

Materials Lab Testing & Inspection

MnDOT performs laboratory testing of materials for construction and maintenance projects, and research.

MnDOT Labs consist of ten District labs located in greater Minnesota, and a central facility that is part of the MnDOT Office of Materials and Road Research in Maplewood, Minnesota.

All MnDOT labs are accredited by AASHTO re:source.

Central Office Materials Labs

The central office materials labs perform specialized, as well as routine materials testing in its Maplewood facility. Each individual lab is led by a laboratory supervisor or a lead worker. The aggregate lab, soils & cement lab, and concrete & metals lab are under the direction of the Physical Testing Engineer, the chemical labs (analytical and asphalt binder) are under the direction of the Chemical Lab Director, the foundation lab is under the direction of the Foundations Engineer, and the bituminous lab is under the direction of the Bituminous Engineer.

District Materials, Soils, and Labs

The eight MnDOT districts perform routine project materials testing of bituminous, aggregates, and soils. Each laboratory is led by a laboratory supervisor, or lead worker under the direction of a District Materials Engineer.

Materials Inspection

MnDOT performs program oversight for electrical conductors, reinforcement steel and precast/prestressed concrete plants.

Lab Testing and Inspection Resources

Schedule of Materials Control

Minimum Sampling and Testing Requirements (project specific - visit Schedule of Materials Control for older versions)

Lab Manual No. 5-695

The lab manual outlines laboratory procedures used by MnDOT for materials testing.

Lab Testing and Inspection Rates

Sampling, testing, & inspections rates for State Agency, County, City and other governmentally funded transportation projects.