Call for Innovation 2023
The National Road Research Alliance (NRRA) Executive Committee has recently approved approximately $1.7M of funding available for new projects and efforts. This has prompted the NRRA Technical Teams to solicit ideas and proposals related to innovative pavement research topics. Specific focus will be on research that takes advantage of the construction of new pavement test sections at MnROAD or other test sites of interest to NRRA agency members. Supporting research in the form of laboratory experiments, syntheses, or the extension of prior NRRA research projects is also welcomed. Ideas supported by partnerships and/or donated time or materials are encouraged.
Submit to the call
Agencies will submit ideas/needs from the state perspective by April 15 to the appropriate Technical Team Contact listed in the spreadsheet linked below.
View the current list of agency-submitted Ideas (XLS) looking for Proposals to fulfill those Ideas (will be updated on an ongoing basis).
View the list of Ideas/needs above and use the Proposal Form (DOC) to submit solicited project proposals. You may also submit unsolicited Proposals that are not directly meeting an Idea. Submit Proposals to Ben Worel,, by May 5.
- May 5: Proposal forms due to Ben Worel:
- May 29-31: NRRA Technical Team Agency members will meet additionally to prioritize proposals
- June 16: NRRA Technical Team Agency members complete review and ranking of proposals
- July 10-14: Executive Committee reviews and selects proposals to fund.
- July 25: Proposal authors notified of funding selections.