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National Road Research Alliance

Grand Opening

Orange barrels on a highway

NRRA Grand Opening

Held at MnROAD on Oct. 10, 2017

Thanks to everyone who attended our Grand Opening. Special thanks to U.S. Congressman Tom Emmer and Commissioner Charlie Zelle for making it a great event.

Photo gallery

Congressman Emmer, Commissioner Zelle and Ben Worel

Speeches in the pole barn, also known as cold storage

Associate NRRA members

Associate member Michigan Tech sent seven representatives who drove 400 miles to attend the Grand Opening.

Congressman Emmer, Jeff Brunner, Kyle Hoegh and Shongtao Dai

Associate member of NRRA cutting the ribbon with Congressman Emmer

MnROAD Research staff

Commissioner Zelle, Deputy Commissioner Mulvihill and our newest associate members from Helix Steel.

The cakes

Congressman Emmer and Commissioner Zelle at ribbon cutting

Congressman Emmer with Ben Worel

NRRA Associate Members