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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Air Freight


MnDOT's Office of Freight and Commercial Vehicle Operations works in cooperation with the Office of Aeronautics, which produces a Statewide Aviation System Plan and conducts other planning and programming activities related to our state's airports and their passenger and cargo traffic.

Minnesota is home to 135 public airports. 97 of these are listed in the Federal Aviation Administration's National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems and receive federal funds.

Five airports have significant air cargo activity:

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP)
  • Duluth International Airport (DLH)
  • Rochester International Airport (RST)
  • Thief River Falls Regional Airport (TVF)
  • Bemidji Regional Airport (BJI)

Freight movements are measured in weight (tons) or volume. Given the nature of air transport, air cargo accounts for a proportionally small amount compared to other modes. However, air cargo is vitally important to the state's economy, as it is primarily high value, time sensitive goods that travel by air. Examples include time sensitive mail, packages, fresh produce, flowers, medical supplies, and just-in-time manufacturing components. Thus, airports can serve as significant economic engines while serving a relatively small volume of freight.