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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info


District Freight Plans

We are developing freight plans in each region of the state to analyze long term freight needs of the region’s transportation system. The plans provide local decision makers with a better understanding of the regional freight system as well as unique characteristics of freight movements, industry feedback and how to prioritize freight needs in future construction projects. The planning process also offers an ongoing opportunity to connect with issues and stakeholders identified in the Manufacturer Perspective’s studies.

Planning process

  1. Statewide Freight Vision and Goals
  2. Statewide Freight Performance Measures
  3. Identify Freight System Needs
  4. Freight System Recommendations
  5. Advance Top Investments

Plan documents

These District Freight Plans also serve to help gather data statewide that will inform the next update to the State Freight Plan as well provide resources for applicants to the Minnesota Highway Freight Program and connect to the Investment Priorities in the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan, Ports and Waterways Plan and the State Rail Plan.

Northeast Minnesota – District 1

Northwest Minnesota – District 2

Central Minnesota – District 3

West Central Minnesota – District 4

Twin Cities – Metro District

Southeast Minnesota – District 6

South Central Minnesota – District 7

Southwest Minnesota – District 8

Additional materials