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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Ports and Waterways

Navigable Minnesota waterway activity


Lake and River Port Tonnage (in net tons)


Lake Port Tonnage Moved

Lake Ports Inbound Outbound Total in 2019 Total in 2018
Duluth-Superior 4,397,363 29,137,986 33,535,349 35,916,790
Two Harbors 0 16,942,617 16,942,617 16,839,494
Silver Bay 0 5,632,842 5,632,842 6,415,696
Total 4,397,363 51,713,445 56,110,808 59,171,980


River Port Tonnage Moved

River Ports Inbound Outbound Total in 2019 Total in 2018
Twin Cities 4,985,071 2,315,651 7,300,722 7,586,571
Savage 527,382 1,104,136 1,631,519 3,459,680
Red Wing 109,796 499,747 609,543 1,018,887
Winona 653,472 888,359 1,541,831 2,269,364
Total 6,275,722 4,807,893 11,083,614 14,334,502


Total Lake and River Port Tonnage Moved

Lake and River Ports Inbound Outbound Total in 2019 Total in 2018
Total in Minnesota 10,673,085 56,521,338 67,194,422 73,506,482


Major Commodities Moved (in net tons)

Lake Commodities

2019 2018
Limestone 3,458,372 3,385,491 Taconite 42,239,249 44,772,455
Dry Bulk 656,120 405,495 Coal 7,937,659 9,011,578
Coal 137,956 176,344 Grain 1,486,859 1,239,753
Taconite 0 0 Limestone 0 0

Major River Commodities

2019 2018
Fertilizer 1,328,323 1,416,438 Grain 3,645,178 6,718,373
Petroleum Products 1,151,295 145,424 Aggregate 1,009,496 1,156,737
Aggregate 1,027,496 1,168,737 Scrap Steel 135,801 329,626
Cement 987,270 1,309,558 Vegetable Oil 12,780 9,940
Salt 829,539 807,728 Gypsoil 4,638 1,593

Annual tonnages will vary due to conditions, rates and demand