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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engagement process


Communication activities are intended to provide clear, reliable, and timely information to diverse audiences about transportation projects, initiatives, and policies. They include media and public relations, external communications and marketing (including web, graphics, and social media), crisis communications, and internal communications. MnDOT district Public Affairs Coordinators (PACs) direct and manage district communication activities and serve as the district’s media relations contact. They also coordinate and implement communication activities related to construction and maintenance projects.

Development of a Communications Plan will guide communication and outreach in a timely and easy-to-understand format.

Areas to address include:

  • Audience
  • Key messages to reach the target audiences
  • Strategy and format (note:  the tools and methods will depend on the audience, their goals, level of trust, etc.)
    • Traditional news media (news releases, media interviews)
    • Email (GovDelivery)
    • Project websites
    • Social media:
      • Paid advertisements
      • Public meetings and community events
      • Video
      • Print publications
  • Budget
  • Timeline
  • Roles and responsibilities among team members

Consult with Communications and Public Affairs for assistance.
