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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Bridge Scoping Unit


The goal of this document is to describe the basic bridge scoping processes and components, and how the project manager and districts will interact with the Bridge Office during project scoping. This has two distinct sections: (1) new or replacement bridge projects, (2) repair bridge projects.

Products the unit provides

New or replacement bridge projects

  • Completed Form B – Example Completed Form B
  • New or replacement bridge scoping recommendations
  • Conceptual Sketch
  • Scoping cost estimate

Bridge repair projects

What to expect from the unit

New or replacement bridge projects

  • The products listed above
  • Coordination between the bridge preliminary, bridge hydraulics, bridge estimating units to accurately complete the Form B

Bridge repair projects

  • The products listed above
  • Coordination between the bridge office staff, district bridge scoping engineer (D1, D3, D6, D7, Metro) and district bridge engineer

What you need to provide to the unit

New or replacement bridge projects

Bridge repair projects

What the unit expects from you

New or replacement bridge projects

  • Coordination with bridge scoping to complete scoping prior to the project entering the STIP
  • The items listed above
  • Prompt follow-up to any questions or clarifications on scoping requests
  • Any box culvert scoping cost estimates, the Bridge Office does not complete box culvert cost estimates, those need to be done by the District
  • Appropriate project schedule information and due date expectations

Bridge repair projects

  • Coordination with bridge scoping to complete scoping prior to the project entering the STIP Coordination between the bridge office staff and district bridge engineer
  • The items listed above
  • Prompt follow-up to any questions or clarifications on scoping requests
  • Appropriate project schedule information and due date expectations