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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Environmental Modeling and Testing Unit


The goal of this unit is to provide technical expertise in the following transportation related areas including air quality, noise, soil, water quality, lead and PCB testing, parts washer waste & waste trap material testing, and hazardous waste material sampling.

Products the unit provides

  • Technical support for noise issues
  • Technical support for greenhouse gas analysis
  • Technical support for air quality issues
  • Review environmental documentation for compliance with current and future MnDOT transportation projects as it relates to noise and/or air quality impacts
  • Review noise studies for environmental compliance and noise mitigation
  • Review air quality studies for environmental compliance and modeling
  • Field work support
    • Water monitoring & sampling
    • Air monitoring
    • Sound level measurements
    • Soil testing: suitability to grow and contamination
    • Lead Paint & PCB testing
    • Hazardous waste testing
    • Waste trap, street sweepings, & used oil sampling
    • Growth chamber needs
    • Special research support
    • Prescribed burn assistance
    • Scientific equipment purchasing within the Office of Environmental Stewardship

What to expect from the unit

  • Field support for MnDOT needs when appropriate
  • Knowledge of field appropriate sampling techniques and industry standard approach to field work
  • Timely collection and dissemination of field data and testing results  
  • Coordination of sampling and analysis within the districts and approved laboratories
  • Provide FHWA project type noise determination
  • Timely review of project noise and/or air quality analyses
  • Technical assistance with noise, air quality, and greenhouse gas issues/reviews

What you need to provide to the unit

  • Specific project details related to the field work needed as it pertains to each field work need
  • Deadline for collected field data and or report to be returned to requestor
  • Timesheet codes to use for charging time working
  • Necessary project related information to make project type noise determination
  • Project design layouts and roadway elevation profiles (current and future)
  • Identification of noise sensitive receptors within project limits and any topographical issues

What the unit expects from you

  • Clear outlined field requests and prompt communication to facilitate proper results
  • Provide all the supplemental information requested
  • Provide a direct contact who is knowledgeable about the work requested
  • Provide a timeline for work to be completed by our unit