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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Photogrammetric Unit


The goal of this unit is to provide accurate geospatial products for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining Minnesota’s Trunk Highway System. This unit specializes in aerial imagery, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for precision mapping.

Products the unit provides

  • Aerial Imagery
  • Planimetric Mapping
  • Elevation Data (Digital Terrain Models (DTM), Digital Elevation Models (DEM), Triangulated Irregular Networks (TIN)
  • Ortho-rectified imagery

What to expect from the unit

  • Expertise in photogrammetry, LiDAR, and UAS
  • Receive products within a reasonable timeframe
  • Provide training and education in photogrammetry and remote sensing
  • Work with a group of people that will try their best to help you meet your goal

What you need to provide to the unit

  • Mapping Request (routed through district surveys)
  • Photo control and check shots (conducted by your District Surveys)

What the unit expects from you

  • Request projects with a realistic timeframe
    • Imagery collection is twice a year
      • Request for fall by mid-September and by March 1 for spring
      • Mapping needs six to nine months advance notice
  • Provide required survey data for processing and accuracy assessment