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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Rail and Freight Programs Unit


To deliver waterways and freight rail grant and loan projects from grant/loan solicitation to construction and to promote rail safety by enforcing compliance with rail safety regulations.

Products the unit provides

  • Minnesota Rail Service Improvement Program grants and loans to railroads and shippers
  • Port Development Assistance Program grants to public port authorities
  • Management of MnDOT-owned rail bank corridors
  • Independent inspection of freight railroad infrastructure throughout the state

What to expect from the unit

  • Works with external parties to deliver freight rail grant and loan projects
  • Works with external parties to deliver ports and waterways grant and loan projects
  • This group also works with MnDOT Districts to manage MnDOT-owned rail bank corridors throughout the state
  • This group also provides independent safety inspection of publicly and privately owned railroad infrastructure throughout the state
  • This group can be a resource for other functional areas working on freight rail operational, ports, waterways, or rail safety/regulatory issues

What you need to provide to the unit

  • This unit typically does not regularly provide work products for other MnDOT offices or project managers
  • Someone who needs to discuss a freight rail, waterway, railbank, or rail safety issues should contact the appropriate person in the unit with a description of the issue

What the unit expects from you

  • Prompt response to questions and issues