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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

State Aid for Local Transportation Office


The goal of State Aid is to provide customer service and partner with local governments as they plan, construct, and maintain Minnesota’s local transportation system.

Products the office provides

  • County and Municipal State Aid Needs studies and calculation of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) and municipal State Aid Street (MSAS) distributions
  • Review and approval documents required for local, federal, and state-funded projects as outlined in the State Aid Manual and Delegated Contract Process (DCP) Checklist
  • Approval and management of local federal and state funds on programs administered by State Aid
  • Technical assistance and resources on local federal aid and state aid roadway systems

What to expect from the office

  • Products identified above
  • Communicate and coordinate between MnDOT and local agencies on their transportation needs and goals
  • Awareness of the laws, rules, regulations, and standards that pertain to State Aid Operations, the state aid system, local agencies, and local programs
  • Funding support and annual distribution of Highway User Tax Distribute Fund (HUTDF) to local governments

What you need to provide to the office

  • Information about projects have the potential to impact the local state aid system or where local projects have the potential to impact the MnDOT highway system

What the office expects from you

  • Early communication and coordination where projects have the potential to impact the local state aid system or where local projects have the potential to impact the MnDOT highway system