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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Traffic Safety Unit


Traffic safety is one of MnDOT’s core values and the goal of this section is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes.

Products the unit provides

  • Statewide crash rankings by crash history (intersections and sections)
  • Facility crash risk assessments
  • Non-motorized latent demand scores (SPACE Tool)
  • Non-motorized scoping field walks (excellent for urban areas)
  • Crash analysis
  • Engineering strategies effectiveness (Crash Modification Factors)
  • Crash data
  • Speed limit authorizations
  • Dashboards for crash data display

What to expect from the unit

  • The items listed above
  • Traffic safety and Traffic engineering technical expertise

What you need to provide to the unit

  • Early involvement
    • Generally, the earlier in the project District Traffic or OTE can be included, the more likely major concepts can be discussed and developed
  • Items like potential scope and the project development timeline can greatly influence the extent of the improvements and the ability to provide time to build consensus to include newer items or ideas
  • Existing infrastructure, traffic volumes, pedestrian counts, speed information (speed limit, operations, and design speed), traffic turning maneuver counts, and other known relevant information

What the unit expects from you

  • The items listed above
  • Early planning and project coordination
  • Inclusion of District Traffic in all discussions