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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Planning

Bridges Over Trunk Highways: Ownership Determination Process


In recent years, population growth, changes in traffic patterns and volumes, and changes in funding availability have resulted in a growing number of new grade separations involving local facilities crossing Trunk Highways. The Process to Determine Bridge Ownership and Bridge Ownership Responsibilities establishes a consistent way to determine ownership and assign ownership responsibilities for these new bridges.

When to use this subject

Follow The Process to Determine Bridge Ownership and Bridge Ownership Responsibilities on any state or locally led project that involves constructing a bridge over a Trunk Highway.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Begin discussing bridge ownership and the associated responsibilities with partner agencies in the earliest stages of bridge planning, during the planning phase of project development. Continue coordination with these partners through all subsequent phases of project development. Engage District Bridge Maintenance and Office of Bridges and Structures staff in the discussions.

In the Final Design phase, work with the Cooperative Agreements Unit to develop an agreement that explicitly delineates bridge ownership and associated responsibilities.

Organizations involved