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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Final Design

Construction Plans and Specifications


Construction plans and specifications detail what is to be constructed and where. They communicate MnDOT’s intent to reviewing and permitting agencies, to the contractor, and to construction inspection staff. Clear, accurate plans and specifications facilitate competitive bidding and an efficient construction process.  

When to use this subject

Construction plans and specifications are needed for all MnDOT projects that include construction or renovation of transportation facilities.

For guidance on the preparation of construction plans and specifications, see the resources page and reach out to those suggested in the contacts page.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Begin working on construction plans upon completion of scoping and the geometric layout and selection of the preferred alternative. Complete the final Plans, Specifications, and cost Estimate (PS&E) in time for turn-in to the Project Delivery Section of the Office of Project Management and Technical Support. Work with the Project Delivery Section to determine how far in advance of the letting date the PS&E must be turned in.

Organizations involved

  • MnDOT
    • District Design
    • Project Managers
    • Office of Project Management and Technical Support
    • Functional Groups in the Districts and Central Office that are relevant to the project