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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engagement process | Public Engagement and Communications

Public Engagement Evaluation and Measurement


The purpose of this activity is to determine how effective public engagement planning and activities are on a project and to provide insight into how to integrate public engagement in future projects.

When to use this subject

You will need to follow this subject on projects that include public engagement.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Begin identifying what will be measured (and how) as you identify project goals for public engagement (inform, consult, involve, collaborate and/or empower.  You may need to include measurement during throughout project development, including stage within project development like planning, scoping, design and construction/post-construction.

Organizations involved

  • District Project Managers
  • District Public Engagement Directors/Coordinators (PECs)
  • Office of Communications and Public Engagement
    • Public Engagement/Market Research units