Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Non-National Highway System culverts

MnDOT District 2

Scoring criteria for standalone non-national highway system culvert projects. Out of 100 possible points, 50 points are based on the structural condition of the culvert, 20 points are based on the load rating, 15 points are based on the condition of the waterway and channel, and 15 points are based traffic volume.

Learn more about how MnDOT evaluates and selects bridge and culvert projects

MnDOT replaces or rehabilitates most culverts (greater than 10 feet) in conjunction with other projects. However, MnDOT will occasionally select a culvert for a standalone rehabilitation or replacement project.

MnDOT scores culvert condition needs when selecting projects to include in the 10-year Capital Highway Investment Plan. Culverts that carry roads on the National Highway System (NHS) are scored and selected separately from culvert needs off the system. MnDOT’s approach to managing culvert condition follows the guidance and targets in the Transportation Asset Management Plan and the planned outcomes in MnSHIP.

Non-NHS culverts are scored statewide, but prioritized within each district. The selection of standalone culvert projects is informed by district staff, experts from MnDOT’s bridge office and the Bridge Replacement and Improvement Management System (BRIM).

Once selected, MnDOT then identifies and evaluates alternatives and other needs, legal requirements, issues and opportunities in coordination with local partners, and considers public input. In the process, non-culvert work may be added to a culvert project or a culvert project may be combined with a nearby pavement project. Projects may move years based on local coordination, project delivery, timing of other nearby construction projects, and funding shifts.

What was selected

Related links

How the projects scored

The construction costs shown on this list represent a very rough estimate based on limited information available at the time selection decisions were made. Actual construction and delivery costs will change over time as projects go from a concept through the project development process and are eventually constructed.

Last updated April 2024

Total Score Culvert Number Route Key Intersection or closest landmark Work Type Year Planned High Level cost estimate for planning purposes Comments
46 6338 Hwy 200 East of 340th St N/A N/A  $            250,000 None
46 6380 US Hwy 75 Burnham Creek N/A 2026  $            460,000 None
46 8133 Hwy 200 West of 350th St N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
36 8682 US Hwy 75 North of Polk County Rd 1 N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
36 8696 Hwy 89 North of Roseau County Rd 20 N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
21 4102 US Hwy 75 North of 130th St N/A 2029  $            230,000 None
20 6255 US Hwy 75 North of Marshall County Rd 5 N/A N/A  $            450,000 None
11 2238 US Hwy 75 South of 250th St NW N/A N/A  $            340,000 None
11 4103 US Hwy 75 South of Kittson County Rd 23 N/A 2029  $            230,000 None
11 4105 US Hwy 75 North of Kittson County Rd 10 N/A 2029  $            250,000 None
11 4725 Hwy 102 South of Polk County Rd 45 N/A 2031  $            230,000 None
11 6177 US Hwy 59 Marshall County Rd 28 N/A N/A  $            400,000 None
11 6178 US Hwy 59 South of Stassen Ave N/A N/A  $            370,000 None
11 8245 US Hwy 59 Tamarac River N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
11 8411 US Hwy 75 East of 330th Ave SW N/A 2026  $            230,000 None
10 8396 US Hwy 75 430th St NW N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
2 6007 Hwy 1 West of 280th Ave NW N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
2 6008 Hwy 1 East of 285th Ave NW N/A N/A  $            230,000 None
0 6253 Hwy 9 Burnham Creek N/A N/A  $            270,000 None
0 8389 Hwy 9 Polk County Rd 41 N/A N/A  $            240,000 None
0 8390 Hwy 9 North of polk County Rd 45 N/A N/A  $            230,000 None

View more detailed scores (Excel)

Total Score Culvert Number Route Key Intersection or closest landmark Work Type Year Planned High Level cost estimate for planning purposes Comments
64 8136 Hwy 200 Cedar Creek 2021 Replace   $140,000 None
60 6829 Hwy 92 Badger Creek 2029 Replace   $920,000 None
58 4811 Hwy 32 East of Red Lake River near St. Hilaire 2030 Replace   $340,000 None
56 3337 US Hwy 75 South of 310th St near Argyle 2027 Replace   $370,000 None
47 4776 Hwy 102 North of County Road 45 near Crookston 2031 Replace   $130,000 None
47 8414 Hwy 9 South of 140th Ave near Borup Not Selected Replace   $120,000 Waiting to coordinate with another project
46 1208 US Hwy 75 South of 290th St near Hallock 2023 Replace   $250,000 None
46 5419 US Hwy 75 South of 340th St near Nielsville 2030 Replace   $150,000 None
46 6380 US Hwy 75 Burnham Creek 2026 Replace   $410,000 None
46 8407 US Hwy 75 South of 230th Ave near Halstad 2030 Replace   $160,000 None
46 8412 US Hwy 75 East of 290th Ave near Girard  2026 Replace   $290,000 Tied to bridge project
46 1057 Hwy 92 Silver Creek 2027 Replace   $260,000 Tied to high scoring pavement project
45 424 Hwy 1 West of Reservation Highway 18 near Redby 2022 Replace   $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy
37 90800 Hwy 64 Channel between Eveleth Crow Wing lake and Cramer Lake 2022 Replace   $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy
21 4102 US Hwy 75 North of 140th St near Donaldson 2029 Replace   $130,000 Tied to high scoring pavement project
19 8533 Hwy 200 Bag Greek 2021 Replace   $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy
11 1707 US Hwy 75 North of County Road 4 near Hallock 2023 Replace   $180,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy
11 4103 US Hwy 75 South of County Road 23 near Donaldson 2029 Replace   $250,000 Tied to high scoring pavement project
11 4105 US Hwy 75 North of County Road 10 near CHS Hallock 2029 Replace   $230,000 Tied to a high scoring pavement project
11 8411 US Hwy 75 East of 330th Ave near Eldred  2026 Replace   $190,000 Tied to a high scoring pavement project
11 4725 Hwy 102 Stream near Harold MN 2031 Replace   $250,000 Tied to high scoring bridge
10 2675 US Hwy 75 South of county Road 16 near Noyes  2023 Replace   $300,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy
1 8659 US Hwy 75 Jct US Hwy 75 and County Road 221 in Eldred 2026 Replace   $250,000 Tied to a high scoring pavement project
1 8565 Hwy 102 Stream near Harold MN 2031 Replace   $250,000 Tied to high scoring bridge

View more detailed scores (Excel)

Total Score Culvert Number Route Key Intersection or closest landmark Work Type Year Planned High Level cost estimate for planning purposes Comments
64 8136 Hwy 200 Cedar Creek Replace 2021 $200,000 None
60 6829 Hwy 92 Badger Creek Replace 2028 $1,000,000 None
58 4811 Hwy 32 East of Red Lake River near St. Hilaire Replace 2028 $400,000 None
56 3337 US Hwy 75 South of 310th St near Argyle Replace 2029 $400,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
47 4776 Hwy 102 North of County road 45 near Crookston Replace 2030 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
46 1057 Hwy 92 Silver Creek Replace 2026 $300,000 None
46 1208 US Hwy 75 Stream Replace 2023 $300,000 None
46 6380 US Hwy 75 Burnham Creek Replace 2026 $500,000 None
46 8412 US Hwy 75 Stream Replace 2026 $300,000 None
46 5419 US Hwy 75 South of 340th St near Nielsville Replace 2030 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
46 8407 US Hwy 75 South of 230th Ave near Halstad Replace 2030 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
45 424 Hwy 1 West of Reservation Highway 18 near Redby Replace 2022 $200,000 None
37 90800 Hwy 64 Channel between Eveleth Crow Wing lake and Cramer Lake Replace 2022 $200,000 None
19 8533 Hwy 200 Bag Creek Replace 2021 $100,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2019-2022 STIP). In ATP3 but D2 construction.
11 1707 US Hwy 75 North of County Road 4 near Hallock Replace 2023 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
11 4102 US Hwy 75 North of 140th St near Donaldson Replace 2027 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
11 4103 US Hwy 75 South of County Road 23 near Donaldson Replace 2027 $300,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
11 4105 US Hwy 75 North of County Road 10 near CHS Hallock Replace 2027 $300,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
11 8411 US Hwy 75 East of 330th Ave near Eldred  Replace 2026 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
10 2675 US Hwy 75 South of county Road 16 near Noyes  Replace 2023 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)
1 8659 US Hwy 75 Jct US Hwy 75 and County Road 221 in Eldred Replace 2026 $300,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the scoring policy (in 2020-2029 CHIP)

View more detailed scores (Excel)

Score Bridge number Route Key intersection or closest landmark Work type Year planned (FY)  High level construction cost estimate for planning purposes  Comments
46 91063 Hwy 6 Little Too Much Lake Replace 2020 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
46 9546 US Hwy 59 County Ditch #23 south of 370th St near Newfolden Replace 2020 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
46 8412 US Hwy 75 Ditch near Crookston  Replace 2024 $300,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
46 1057 Hwy 92 Silver Creek Replace 2026 $250,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
46 6380 US Hwy 75 Burnham Creek Replace 2027 $400,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
45 424 Hwy 1 Stream near Lower Red Lake in Redby Replace 2020 $500,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
37 9020 Hwy 32 Mashaug Creek Replace 2020 $500,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
37 90800 Hwy 64 Channel between Eleventh Crow Wing Lake near Akeley Replace 2021 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2022 STIP)
12 4811 Hwy 32 Ditch near St. Hilaire Replace 2028 $350,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
11 4105 US Hwy 75 Ditch Replace 2024 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
11 8411 US Hwy 75 Stream near Climax Replace 2027 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
10 4102 US Hwy 75 Stream near Donaldson Replace 2024 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
10 4103 US Hwy 75 Stream near Donaldson Replace 2024 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
1 6007 Hwy 1 Stream near Warren Replace 2025 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
1 6008 Hwy 1 Stream near Warren Replace 2025 $200,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)
1 8659 US Hwy 75 County Ditch #19 near Climax Replace 2027 $150,000 Selected prior to the adoption of the policy (in 2019-2028 CHIP)