Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

E-Scene May 2024

flowers in meadow

2023 Local Road Improvement Program Solicitation Summary Update

By: Rashmi Brewer, P.E., State Programs Engineer

About LRIP program

On March 14, 2024, the Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) Advisory Committee as identified in Sec. 174.52 MN Statutes Subd.3, convened and approved 86 projects for funding as an outcome of 2023 competitive LRIP solicitation. State Aid received 378 application submittals with total cost estimates of $921.9 million, which included requests of $417.1 million in LRIP funding.

About LRIP program

The LRIP Advisory Committee established LRIP procedures and used specific criteria, including regional significance of the route and effectiveness of the project eliminating transportation system deficiencies, to determine funding selections. Also, the LRIP Advisory Committee considered geographic equity, rural vs. urban environment, and equity across the following three selection pools.

  • Counties
  • State Aid Cities
  • Non-State Aid Cities, Townships, and Federally Recognized Indian Tribes

For additional information, please refer to the 2023 program and project update (PDF) for a full list of selected projects that shows the amount of LRIP funding, location of each project, and a state map of project locations. The 2023 list of all project applications (PDF), provides summaries of all applications that were received during the 2023 LRIP solicitation, including the reason why projects were not selected, when applicable.

A friendly reminder after project selections:

  • All agencies received notice of project selections from Rashmi Brewer, State Programs Engineer.
  • All projects are required to follow the state aid process for project/plan approval. If you haven’t done so already, please email Rashmi Brewer at rashmi.brewer@state.mn.us affirming that you will follow the process outlined in the State Fund Grantee User Guide (PDF) and wish to accept the LRIP grant funds. Rashmi Brewer will be your primary contact for the competitive LRIP grant funding.
  • All agencies, please begin the plan development process, including working with your DSAE to request a state aid project number. Then, please email LRIP SAP/SP number(s) to Rashmi Brewer for tracking purposes.
  • Please remember to include within the subject line on all project email correspondence: the SAP #, program name, and local entity grantee name (for example: SAP/SP XXX-XXX-XXX, LRIP, ABC City).

If you have any questions regarding LRIP - State Aid - MnDOT, please contact Rashmi Brewer at rashmi.brewer@state.mn.us.

Thanks again to the LRIP Advisory Committee, entity applicants, and team for their time, hard work, and commitment in completing a job well done!