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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

E-Scene September 2024

Greater MN HSIP Solicitation - Now Open

The solicitation will provide up to $37.8 million in available funds

By: Girma Feyissa, State Aid Traffic Safety Engineer

The 2024 Greater Minnesota (non-metro) local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Solicitation is now open and will close on November 27, 2024. Please send your HSIP project lists to MnDOT Office of Traffic Engineering (OTE) by the deadline.

If you would like to ask for review of your application for completeness, please send it to, before October 30, 2024 and he would be happy to review and discuss your application. This review will be to ensure that you have all the necessary documentation prior to your submittal to OTE.

Some items worth noting are:

  • All safety projects will require a 10 percent local match.
  • Low cost multi-county and district wide safety projects may qualify for up to 100 percent in grant funding. Preliminary engineering and construction engineering may qualify for 90 percent in grant funding as well.
  • The funding maximum per location per jurisdiction is $750,000.
  • Projects within an MPO will need early coordination and a letter of support. We highly recommend looping your MPOs in early during your project identification phase to streamline this step.
  • Application process for reactive or “spot location” projects has been simplified: the benefit-cost (B/C) are calculated by MnDOT rather than by the local agency for consistency.
  • As a new focus area for FHWA, ped/bike safety projects are highly encouraged and may be awarded extra points.
  • HSIP 2026-2029 Application (Word) and Guidebook (PDF) found in State Aid Traffic Safety webpage.

We are planning three HSIP application preparation webinars in September and October, dates and times are listed below. All three webinars are identical: