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Minnesota Department of Transportation

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State Aid for Local Transportation

E-Scene November 2024

No Historic Properties Affected findings

By: Katie Haun Schuring, Cultural Resources Unit Lead Supervisor, Office of Environmental Stewardship

Local agencies are responsible for complying with three Minnesota statutes relating to historic properties: Minnesota Field Archaeology Act, Minnesota Historic Sites Act, and the Minnesota Private Cemeteries Act. More information about each of these statutes and local agency responsibilities can be found on the State Aid Environmental forms and information webpage under the header “Section 106.” The Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office (MnSHPO) informed MnDOT staff that if a Section 106 finding of “No Historic Properties Affected” is issued to the project proposer, the local agency does not need to contact MnSHPO under the Field Archaeology Act or Historic Sites Act for further review. Please review the Section 106 finding letter and consult with an archaeologist for advice on sending your project to the Office of the State Archaeologist or to the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council for review. For further questions, please contact State Aid staff Mitch Deer at