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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

E-Scene November 2024

PathWeb update

By: Bill Meinholz, Projects Engineer

The 2024 season of pavement testing is almost done. As of last week, all counties on the schedule this year were collected. All but seven counties have received their data and updates in PathWeb. Those remaining few should be receiving their data in the next few weeks.

For those that are new, PathWeb is a web-based application for viewing current road rating data and video logs. Counties are driven every two years and data updated when complete. PathWeb is accessible right now for all county engineers and their staff. Please request access by using the form on the State Aid PathWeb webpage. Below is an example of what is visible on PathWeb.

Roadway image video log

PathWeb application video log snapshot image.

Again, this year there will be at least one opportunity for PathWeb updates, information, and training. More information will come out later but mark your calendars for February 13, 2025. Over the last few winters of PathWeb training, we had over 100 attendees representing at least 35 counties. Hopefully we can have even more this year! Please stay tuned for a future announcement about the upcoming training session.

For more information, or to request access to PathWeb, visit the State Aid PathWeb webpage. If you have any additional questions, reach out to Bill Meinholz at or Loren Hill at