Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

State Aid for Local Transportation

System Preservation

System Preservation


System preservation goes beyond the asset management concept by considering a more wholistic strategy for investing and maintaining the network. Communication is a foundational element of success, including both the citizens that rely on transportation systems as well as the local elected officials as key partners with public works staff. State Aid, along with many other internal and external agencies have continued to develop resources to support new and seasoned staff in addressing these challenges.

Starting in 2024 a series of five one-hour training modules have been developed to help provide agencies with proven tools to assess the performance of their system, identify funding gaps, and explore resources and strategies to maintain or even improve overall system performance. This series can be used in its entirety or can be used to explore strategies in areas of specific interest.

This training series is a way to make agencies aware of the tools that have been developed and used under real world conditions. The intent of these tools are to provide help in building a preservation program with a solid foundation and that can assist in developing long term cost effect preservation solutions.
