Minnesota Department of Transportation

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Technical Certification Program

Video Library

Welcome to the MnDOT Materials Video Library, a collection of video, print, and online resources for MnDOT materials technicians. The list is organized by materials type and includes all test procedures taught or discussed in MnDOT Technical Certification Program courses. As soon as we find or create a video for each procedure, we will post it here.

We can use your help! If you know of a good video to add to our collection, email us at tech-cert.dot@state.mn.us -with a note and a link to the video. Videos must be of high quality and show the procedure done in a way that is accurate, is done safely, and meets MnDOT specifications.


    • Aggregate sampling – AASHTO T2
      This procedure covers sampling of coarse, fine, or a combination of coarse and fine aggregates. Sampling from conveyor belts, transport units, roadways, and stockpiles is covered.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Sample reduction/splitting
    • These methods are used to reduce field samples of aggregates to the right size for testing, using techniques that are intended to minimize variations
      Procedure location: Field and Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Coarse Aggregate % Passing the #200 Sieve (‐200 wash on coarse) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method measures the amount of material finer than a 75-μm (No. 200) sieve (filter) in an aggregate that has been washed. During the test, clay particles and other aggregate particles are dispersed by the wash water; then the course materials are dried and weighed.
      Procedure location: Field and lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Course & Fine Aggregate Sieve Analysis (for Bituminous)
      This test method is for the determining of the particle size distribution of granular materials using sieves with square openings. It can be adapted for use in the sieve analysis of aggregate recovered from bituminous mixtures (See Section 1203.5); but, cannot be used for the sieve analysis of mineral fillers.
      Procedure location: Field and Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Lithological Summary – MnDOT Lab Manual 1209.0 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test procedure is performed on aggregates to determine the percentage of various rock types regulated in the Standard Specifications for Construction
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Scratch Hardness of Coarse Aggregate Particles (Soft Rock) - ASTM C851 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test procedure is used to determine the quantity of soft rock particles in coarse aggregate.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate – ASTM D4791 (Mn/Dot Modified) The flat and elongated test determines by mass the percent of +9.5mm (3/8”) coarse aggregate particles that exceeds the maximum length to thickness ratio of five to one. Flat and elongated particles in a +9.5mm (3/8”) aggregate could interfere with and/or make it difficult to consolidate and place these materials
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Percentage of Crushed Particles in Aggregates (% Crushed) – ASTM5821, AASHTO T355 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method uses visual inspection to determine the percent of particles that have the essential characteristics of crushed aggregates.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Lightweight Pieces in Aggregates (SHALE FLOAT TEST) – AASHTO T113 (Mn/Dot Modified)
    • This method covers the determination of the percentage of shale and other lightweight pieces in aggregates by means of a sink-float separation in a heavy liquid of suitable specific gravity.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate (Fine Aggregate Angularity Test) AASHTO T304
    • The fine aggregate angularity test determines the loose uncompacted void content of a fine aggregate material.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Magnesium Sulfate(Soundness) – AASHTO T104 (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test procedure is used to simulates the effect that freeze thaw has on aggregates using saturated solutions of magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Determination of Acid Insoluble Residue in Limestone and Dolostone – ASTM D3042 (MnDot Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test procedure is used to determine the amount of chert, sand, clay, and other noncarbonate materials in limestone and dolostone (carbonate) sedimentary rock.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Los Angeles Rattler – AASHTO T96 --- Refer to ASTM C131 or C535 This method covers the procedure for testing crushed rock, slag and gravel and uncrushed gravel for resistance to abrasion using the Los Angeles testing machine.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate - AASHTO T85 (MnDOT Modified)
    • This test method is intended for use in determining the bulk and apparent specific gravity, and absorption of coarse aggregates (retained on the #4 sieve)
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate - AASHTO T84 (MnDOT Modified)
    • This test method is used to determine the bulk and apparent specific gravity, and absorption of fine aggregates (passing the #4 sieve)
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC

    • The Virtual Egg Carton (of rocks)
      The Virtual Egg Carton - Google Slides
      A virtual resource to rock types commonly found in Minnesota, including slides and photos about 12 common rock types.

    • The U of MN Minnesota Geological Survey website
      A comprehensive website that includes section on a variety of Minnesota Geology topics along with maps, and other publications.

    • Glacial Geology
      A section of the UMN Geological Survey website that focuses on Minnesota’s glacial history and glacial deposits. The “Footprints” section includes maps of key impacts of the glacial movement and images of rocks and pebbles found in different areas throughout the state.

    • Minnesota at a Glance - Common Minnesota Rocks
      A four-page document from the Minnesota Geological Survey that summarizes types and qualities of rocks in Minnesota, along with a brief description of how they were formed and deposited through geologic time.
      Lusardi, B.A.. (2020). Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy

    • Minnesota at a Glance - Quaternary Glacial Geology
      A two-page document from the Minnesota Geological Survey that summarizes the series of glacial (cold) and interglacial (warm) periods geologic history in Minnesota and the materials left behind in different areas of the state.
      Lusardi, B.A.; Dengler, E.L.. (2017). Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy


    • Bulk Specific Gravity (Density) of Gyratory Compacted Specimens – AASHTO T166 (MnDot Modified)
      This test is used to determine the specific gravity of a compacted HMA sample by comparing its weight to the weight of an equal amount of water.
      Procedure location: Field and Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC

    • Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using an Automatic Vacuum Sealing Method – (Corelok System) ASTM D6752-02 (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      The CoreLok® is a system for sealing asphalt samples so that the sample densities may be measured by water displacement methods. This test method covers the determination of the bulk specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures and/ or of bituminous cores used for pavement density determination.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC

    • Asphalt Binder Extraction - Ignition Method – AASHTO T308, Test Method “A” (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method covers the determination of asphalt content of mixed bituminous paving mixtures by removing the asphalt cement at 538 degrees C (1000 degrees F) in a forced air ignition furnace. Aggregate obtained by the test method can be used for sieve analysis: however, aggregate properties such as specific gravity, absorption and fractured faces can be altered by this testing.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC

    • Fine Aggregate Angularity (MnDOT lab manual 1206) – AASHTO T304 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method is used to determine the loose uncompacted void content of a fine aggregate material.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): APTC, BPTC

    • Gyratory Compaction (MnDOT Lab manual 1820) – AASHTO T312 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method is used to compact cylindrical specimens of hot-mix asphalt using the Superpave gyratory compactor
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC

    • Maximum Specific Gravity (Rice Voids Test) – AASHTO T209 (MnDOT Modified) This test method is used to determine the percentage of air voids in an asphalt sample.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Moisture Content of Hot Mix Asphalt by Oven Method – AASHTO T239 (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This method is used to determine the moisture content of hot mix asphalt.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Rap procedures (Gsb)(MnDOT lab manual 1815) – AASHTO T84 and T85 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This procedure is intended for use in determining the bulk specific gravity of the aggregates in a recycled asphalt pavement (RAP). This procedure is being used as an alternate to AASHTO T84 (Lab Manual 1205) and AASHTO T85 (Lab Manual 1204).
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Standard Test for Effect of Moisture on Asphalt Concrete Paving Mixtures (Lottman Test) – ASTM D4867 (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This test method covers procedures for preparing and testing asphalt concrete specimens for the purpose of measuring the effect of water on the tensile strength of the paving mixture.
      Procedure location: Lab Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Quantitative Extraction of Bituminous Mixtures (Centrifuge) – AASHTO T164, Method A (MnDOT Modified) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This method of analysis quantitatively determines the asphalt content of bituminous mixtures using a centrifuge extractor and trichloroethylene or other approved solvents.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Void Calculation (MnDOT lab manual 1808) – AASHTO T269 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      The percent of air voids in a bituminous mixture is used as one of the criteria in both the designing the mixture and evaluation of the compaction.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): BPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office


    • Air Content Test – ASTM C231 (MnDOT modified)
      Used to determine the amount of entrained air present in concrete. Entrained air is important in protecting concrete during freeze thaw cycles
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC

    • Concrete Beam Breaking ASTM C78
      ASTM C78 determines the flexural strength of concrete by the use of a simple beam with third-point loading. This test is typically used during concrete paving.
      Procedure Location: Field, Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC

    • Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens - ASTM C617 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This practice describes procedures for providing plane surfaces on the ends of freshly molded concrete cylinders, hardened cylinders, or drilled concrete cores when the end surfaces do not conform with the planeness and perpendicularity requirements of applicable standards.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CSTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Casting Beams – ASTM C31 (MnDOT modified)
      This practice describes the process of obtaining a representative sample of concrete and making a beam using a beam box. Beams are primarily used on paving jobs.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Casting Cylinders – ASTM C31 (MnDOT modified)
      This practice describes the process of obtaining a representative sample of concrete and making a specimen using 4” or 6” cylinder molds.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s):CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens (Modified) – ASTM C39
      This practice describes the process of obtaining a representative sample of concrete and making a specimen using 4” or 6” cylinder molds.This test method consists of applying a compressive load to a molded concrete cylinder until failure occurs. The compressive strength of the cylinder specimen is calculated by dividing the peak load attained during the test procedure by the cross-sectional area of the specimen. This test procedure is limited to concrete having a unit weight in excess of 50 lb/ft3.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CSTC

    • Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field – AASHTO T23
      This method covers procedures for making and curing cylinder and beam specimens from representative samples of fresh concrete for a construction project
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s):CFTC

    • Rolling Meter - ASTM C173
      The Roller Meter Test is a standard test method for air content of freshly mixed concrete by the volumetric method. It covers the determination of the air content of a sample of concrete that contains any type of aggregate, whether it be dense, cellular, or lightweight.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s):CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Sampling from a Ready-Mix Truck – ASTM C172 (MnDOT modified)
      Used to ensure the concrete's quality, consistency, and compliance with specifications during construction.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Slump Test – ASTM C143 (MnDOT modified)
      Slump Test – ASTM C143
      Used to measure the consistency and workability of fresh concrete before it sets for quality control and suitability for the intended use.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s):CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Temperature Test – ASTM C1064 (MnDOT modified)
      Used to ensure the concrete is within temperature tolerance, preventing potential issues like cracking, low strength, and poor workability.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC

    • Unit Weight – ASTM C138 (MnDOT modified)
      Unit Weight – ASTM C138
      The unit weight (density) test is a measure of the weight per cubic meter (cubic foot) of freshly mixed concrete. By knowing the unit weight of the concrete, other information can be determined such as the concrete yield and water content for microwave oven testing.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CFTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Unit Weight Determination – AASHTO T19
    • For concrete: This is a test run on new sources or new production of concrete aggregates (+4.75mm (#4) sieve) to determine the average weight of 1 cubic meter of aggregate.
      For bituminous: This is a test run on Stone Matrix Asphalt Mixtures (SMA) to determine the voids in coarse aggregate.
      Procedure location: Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CPTC

    • Microwave Oven Test – ASTM D4643 (MnDOT modified)
      This test procedure uses a microwave to remove all the moisture out of concrete to determine the water to cement ratio.
      Procedure location: Field and Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    • Aggregate Moisture Testing - AASHTO T255 (MnDOT modified)
      This test procedure is used to ensure the correct water-to-cement ratio is used in concrete for optimal strength and durability.
      Procedure location: Field and Lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): CPTC
      Produced by the MnDOT Technical Certification Office

    Grading and Base

    • Calibration of Standard Sand (G&B 5-692.232) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This method of test is to determine a weight per cubic foot of sand to be used in soil density determinations.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) (G&B 5-692.255) (In production)
      The dynamic cone penetration test is a test carried out to find the resistance value of the cone against the soil that helps us to determine different mechanical properties of soil such as strength, bearing capacity, and so on.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Field Density Test : Sand cone Method (G&B 5-692.246) – AASHTO T191) This method is used to determine the in-place density of soils.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Light Weight Deflectometer – LWD Procedure & Target Value Determination (G&B 5-692.256) (In production)
      The Light-Weight Deflectometer (LWD) is a lightweight portable tool used for measuring the bearing capacity (deflection) of subgrade/subsoils and unbound base layers, granular layers and backfilling materials.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Moisture-Density Test Method (Proctor) (G&B 5-692.222) – Method C Moisture-Density Relation(Proctor) – AASHTO T99 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      These methods of test are intended for determining the relation between the moisture content and density of soils compacted in a mold of a given size with a 2.5-kg (5.5-lb) rammer dropped from a height of 305 mm (12 in.).
      Procedure location: Field and lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Moisture Calculation (for Proctor) – AASHTO T265 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      This method covers the laboratory determination of the moisture content of soils.
      Procedure location: Field and lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Proctor- Data Entry and Graphing (Form G&B-303) (G&B 5-692.222) – AASHTO T99 (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      Procedure location: Field and lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Soil Identification (G&B 5-692.601) (Video Not Yet In Production/Found)
      Identify types of soils using the triaxial chart and by a hands on.
      Procedure location: Field and lab
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC

    • Speedy Moisture Meter (G&B 5-692.245) – AASHTO T217 Modified
    • The speedy moisture tester which is also called calcium carbide gas moisture tester provides a quick, simple means of determining the moisture content of the soil.
      Procedure location: Field
      Taught or discussed in Technical Certification course(s): GBTC